The Splinter ( kind of Jaya)

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During season 1 and 2, Jay and Nya just started dating

Kai Pov.:

Today is going to be a great day, because Master Wu has given us the afternoon free from training! We trained so hard the past few days so that he said we deserve some free time, I mean we still are teenagers that want to explore the world and make stupid things that will get us in big trouble (not that we get in big trouble anyways).

The others had already decided how they wanted to spend their freetime. Zane went to the library a few days ago and came back with a bag full of books about androids and electronic. Because he just found out he was a robot a little while ago he now wanted to get to know everything about them to understand them and himself better.

Cole just came back from the bakery with 3 chocolate, banana, haselnut cream cakes (I'm drooling...) ready to eat them all until we could roll him out of the kitchen. He has a serious cake problem!

Meanwhile Jay desided to continue to work on the boosters of the Bounty to modify them even more. Normally Nya would help him but today she wanted to work some more on her samurai mech. And Lloyd, well he was reading the new Starfere (how does it get spelled??) Comic. He is obsessing over them almoust as bad as Jay!

But anyways my plan for today is first doing absolutly nothing and second I wanted to finally watch the final episode of my favourite TV show that I had been waiting to see for about two weeks now.

I had trouble not getting spoilerd because the others already saw the final and were constantly trying to ruin it for me by hinting what would happen and talking about it behind my back but loud enough for me to hear.

I made myself cozy on the couch prepeard with two cans of Cola (coke), a bag of extra spicy chilli chips (the spicier the better) and a lot of pillows and blankets.

Just after the intro ended I suddenly heard a loud familiar scream from above out of the contol room. I immediately jumped of the couch and sprinted upstairs. I burst trough the door Zane, Cole and Lloyd right behind me. ,,What happened!? Is the serpentine attacking the city again!? What's wrong!?" I asked panicked.

But instead of a response we just saw how Jay ran up and down the room freaking out while holding his right hand and hysterical yelling ,,Ouch, ouch, it hurts so much, take it away, take it away ahh I'm to young to die!!"

,,Jay, what's wrong?", asked Lloyd. But as Jay just continued to freak out Cole grabed his shoulders to make him stop and asked sternly what was wrong with him.

With shaking hands and tears in his eyes he slowly lifted his right hand and showed it to us. There in his index finger stuck a little but clearly visible splinter.

,,Really!? A splinter? That's the reason you just acted like somebody cut your hand off!?", I asked annoyed. ,, Because of you I almoust tripped over with my precius cake!", Cole said. Zane just sighed and went to get a tweezer and a band aid to help Jay.

As he returned he ordered Jay to sit down and pulled out the tweezers, but as Jay saw them he started to panick again refusing to give his hand to Zane to let him help him. We all had to grab him and hold him still while Zane tried to get rid of Jays splinter.

But Jay went into panick mode, screaming and crying to let him go. Seriously, why was he freaking about something so small and harmless as a splinter!?

Suddenly the door opened again to reveal Nya, standing there and looking at us worried and questening of why Jay was crying, we all held him down and Zane towering over him.

,,What are you doing?! I heard screaming and tougth somebody died!", she exclaimed. Lloyd ansered: ,, No, Jay just got a splinter in his finger and is totally going crazy about it while we try to help him get it out!"

Jay was clearly embarrassed in front of Nya about making such a scene only because of a little splinter. His head was a bright shade of red and he tried to calm down and whipe his tears away.

Nya just walked in and mentioned to us to step back, as we let go of Jay she sat down in front of him and looked him in the eye. ,,Can I see your hand, I promise I won't hurt you.", she said.

Jay shyly lifted his hand and showed his finger to Nya. She carefully looked at it and then said: ,,Your lucky, it isn't so deep inside." Then she gently laid his hand down and asked calmly: ,, How did that happen?"

Jay shyly told her what happend and turned around slightly to point with his other hand to were he hurt himself. While he was distracted Nya quickly grabbed the tweezer and pulled the splinter out and put on the small bandage just as he turned around to look at her again.

,,It's over, you can relax now.", Nya said to the slightly shocked Jay. Then she lifted his finger and kissed it witch made Jay blush heavily. She stood up and grabbed his hand and pulled him with her ,,Come let's get some ice cream because you were so brave.", she said and winked at him.

We all just stood there not really knowing what to say and just went back to our freetime activities.

This was my first real story. Please give me feedback and tell me if I made grammar and/or writing mistakes! Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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