Never gonna leave

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A/N's a new OneShot. Im not too proud of it and I think I could do better but, well I'm still getting into the whole writing thing so I thought Just post it and wait what the readers think. Please tell me if I made any grammar and/or writing mistakes so I can improve myself.


Everyone was devastated, shocked and even heartbroken.

Nobody would have seen that coming just a few weeks earlier. The team and I have waited for this day for so long and were exasperated to finally meet our nieces or nephews. My sister and my almost brother-in-law told us 5 months ago that they were expecting a baby! And to make it even better they were expecting twins!

I know that they are pretty young (17 and 18) but I mean, Nya already drove the earth-drill or steered the Destiny's Bounty at the age of 13 and Jay saved the world with us since he was 14. We all had to grow up and be more mature than others in our age, to protect the city and the whole of Ninjago.

But still, everyone was ready to help the young parents raise and  take care of the children. But as so often everything changed, because the universe had other plans for us.

Yesterday, or better said today at 3:00 am in the morning Jay called us. We all have waited for that call to come and Jay telling us that the babies were there, we expected Jay to be more than happy or even crying, but he didn't. Well he did cry but not because he was so happy that he was a dad now. He cried because the doctor had told him terrible news.

As we got to know, the twins had inherited Jays and Nyas powers. To give birth to elemental masters was very dangerous and exhausting. Especially when those elemental babies have one of the main elements.
And because of the fact that Nya had to give birth to two babys with the main elements, her life was in great danger.

Jay told us that the doctor had said, that they would do anything to save both the twins and Nya, but also that Jay had to adjust to the fact that he mabye had to chose between saving the babys or the love of his live and fiance Nya.

He was totally at his end and not far away from a breakdown. 5 minutes later everyone was on their way to the  hospital, hoping that my sister and her kids were ok and still alive. We also contacted Ed and Edna, Misako and Skylor.

As we arrived at the hospital, we ran straight to the waiting area just to find that Edna and Ed were already there and comforting Jay who sat in one of the waiting chairs. He looked terrible, broken.
His shirt was sweaty and weat from tears, his whole body was shaking as he pressed his legs to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. His face red and tear stained, as more and more salty water goblets fell down his face.

We tried our best to calm him down even though we all were beyond scared for our sister. We kept telling him that everything would be ok and that Nya was strong, but not even I really  believed that.

After an hour the doctor came again and asked us to follow him into one of the rooms in the hospital. It was child friendly designed and had a bed, a couch, a few chairs standing around and a work desk where he sat down.

The doctor then asked us, but mostly Jay to sit down. That's it. The next few minutes would either make us jump in the air and cry tears of happiness or destroy us, probably drift the team apart and break Jay.

..."Im so, so, sorry..."

That was everything he had to say for us to know what had happened . Edna clinched herself at Ed for support from falling as she started crying, Misako put her hand on her mouth to prevent from sobbing and turned to Wu, who comforted her. I suddenly saw balck dots coming to my vision as I stumbled backwards. Bevor I could fall Skylor and Cole catched me as my girlfriend pulled me in a comforting hug. But the doctor wasn't ready yet.

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