Chapter 7: Acceptance

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(Aiko's POV)

Shibuya was really upset after the fight... he hadn't been speaking at all since we got out of there.

Shibuya had opted to grab Yuko and Daito and carry them as we kept moving back to Rimehand. Shibuya claimed he was okay, but I saw the limping of his right leg, and . Despite that, he was adamant, so I let it go...

We finally made it, though. We got back to Rimehand, and took the duo to the local clerics to get healed up. Me and Shibuya were in the room with them for quite a while. I tried to get him to tell me what was wrong, but he just wouldn't budge.

Eventually I needed to pee, so I went to the outhouse. I swear I only took two minutes and Shibuya was already gone...

Quickly I ran out of the nursing facility and looked around trying to find Shibuya, but to no avail. He looked like a mess after that fight. Not even from the damage he sustained, just the look on his face said it all...

No matter where I looked, I couldn't find Shibuya. But, I did find.... Seinaru? He was wearing the same garb we saw him in last time, except he had on a new necklace with a pink gemstone in it.

The young boy with the magic sword ran up to me and wrapped his skinny arms around me tightly. I was taken aback, but hugged him back. He started crying into my shirt, and I didn't know what to do-

"Hey Naru... don't worry, I'm fine."

I looked up. Shibuya was standing right in front of me, smiling. Granted, not a big smile, but a smile nonetheless! I'll take what I can get!

Shibuya ruffled the kid's hair and he seemed comforted. "He got scared because some wild boar started attacking us. I managed to slay some of them before they started retreating, but he was already gone." Shibuya explained, which was proven by what I just now noticed was blood covering a quarter of his sword from the tip down.

I ran at him and spear tackled him into a hug, telling him how worried I was that something happened to him.

(Shibuya's POV)

I simply told her what happened. Or, well, the basics. I found Seinaru just chopping at a tree with that Sword of Shielding he had, when I came up to him. I realized it would be best to take him in as a party member! I just recently experienced losing everyone I love, and just now discovered what happened to one of them after I died... or at least the aftermath. I decided to test Seinaru's skills by having us fight together against some wild Boar, and he got scared by the charging creatures.

I only did that, and suddenly I'm on the ground, getting angrily nagged at for making Aiko worry while she was poking my chest. I don't even want to know what strange fantasy she must be in that makes her think this is helping in any way.

Regardless she eventually got off of me and allowed me to explain the full story.

She at first didn't seem to approve, but one look into his eyes and she was convinced. Her eyes also seemed glossier than usual...

She started heading back to where we left Yuko and Daito.

I looked to Seinaru. "So, Naru, when are we gonna tell her about that Necklace of Irresistible Charm you made?" I asked him.

He gave me a shit-eating grin and held the enchanted necklace in his hand. "Uhh- never?" He replied, looking sly.

I shrugged. "Works for me!" I just simply said, wrapping an arm around him and stifling a laugh along with him as we kept moving...

"You know, you two look very similar..." Aiko said, referring to me and Seinaru.

I never heard such trash in my life, even BEFORE I died. I suppose Aiko always has stuff like that to say, so nothing unusual about it. I mean, sure we both have brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin.... we both have on similar clothes, and both wield swords...

But our clothes are different colors! That makes us two completely different people!


Seinaru was currently cuddling Aiko, who allowed her motherly instincts to take care of the child. Before I could even speak, the boy piped up. "Nuh-uh! We may have brown hair and eyes, but our clothes are completely different colors! Right Shibuya?"

....dammit, she's right...

"Shibuya?" He asked again, snapping me back to reality.

"A-Ah! Sorry, must've zoned out! Y-Yeah! That makes us much more different than you could possibly realize!" I responded, prompting Aiko to just roll her eyes at us.

Eventually Yuko and Daito woke up, and when we realized they couldn't remember the events that just transpired, we had to explain everything to them. The demons, their noble deed, and to my dismay Aiko decided to inform them about my recent "outburst" as I'll call it from now on...

I couldn't help but smile though... I guess if we're going to be a group... we gotta tell each other everything.

I'm a little surprised that it took me this long to realize that simple fact... I suppose I was only viewing these people as NPCs in my awesome journey... some being much more beautiful than others... but really, they're people too!

And these are the people I call.... family!

(Sorry This was a short chapter guys... but this is because I have been working harder on the next chapter! Trust me, it's gonna be heavy! >:3 )

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