2- Small Mission

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It was early in the morning when Kayla awoke. After she remembered the events of the previous day she took a hot shower and changed into the grey tunic and pants that were left for her. She braided her dark hair as best as she could and it framed her face and showed off more of her spots. She dug in the small bag she had taken from the ship and put on her necklace. It was the only thing left she had of her family and heritage. The chain was long so the amulet rested low on her chest, next to her heart. She gave it a kiss before she placed it under the tunic. She made her way down the halls and followed the smell of food and the noise of people eating. She found the mess hall filled with clone troopers. She had never seen a sight like that before in her life. She wandered through the line and stood for a while as people walked around her. "Come sit with us!" a voice called. It was Kix with a few other clones from the 501st. "Thank you," she said. Rex and Kix stood as she slid in next to Rex. "I'm glad to see you up and moving around. How are you feeling today?" he asked her.

"I'm feeling a little stiff but well rested. And if you pull another stunt like that again I'll feed you to a rancor." She looked at Rex and then at Kix. She smiled sweetly at him as Rex laughed and slapped his knee. "That's the spirit!" he said. Kix paled at the thought of being eaten alive.

Kayla looked at Rex and said, "I apologize for being so rude to you yesterday. I'm really sorry," she said with sincerity. Rex's eyebrows shot up in surprise and he scratched the back of his neck as he began to blush. "Apology accepted? I don't know what you have to apologize for," he said.

"Well, when I first saw you I just wanted to escape so I hit you, not knowing you were one of the good guys," Kayla said.

"That's alright; I've had worse," he said with a husky voice. Kayla returned to eating her meal and listening to the lively conversations of the troopers. She enjoyed their brotherly banter and thought they were wonderful to be around. Obi Wan came to their table and Rex stood to greet him. "No, please sit. I just came for Kayla. Could you come with me? The Jedi council wishes to question you about your time aboard the enemy ship."

"Certainly," she said.

Obi Wan turned and she gave Rex a look before she followed Obi Wan.

"Princess Kayla, your work has been invaluable to the Republic and the Jedi council. We wish to send you on another undercover mission. You would be posing as a merchant with Anakin and Rex. We need to find out how weapons are being smuggled to the separatists from the Trade Federation. Do you feel you are healed enough or would you need more time?" Obi Wan asked.

"I will be ready. I wouldn't mind spending more time with Anakin and Captain Rex in order to establish some rapport with them. I feel the mission would operate more smoothly that way," Kayla said.

"Of course. We have one rotation of travel left and then the mission would begin. Thank you, that is all," Mace Windu said.

Kayla bowed to the center of the room before she left. She went to her room, but then decided she didn't want to be there since she felt closed in. She wandered farther down the hall toward the loading docks and walked inside a hanger. She kept to the wall as to be out of the way of the hustle and bustle going on. She was mesmerized by how efficient all the clones were in their tasks. She walked past many of the troop transports and stood behind some crates when she felt a presence behind her. She tensed up her body and turned around, ready to strike. "Captain Rex!" she exclaimed. "You snuck up on me!"

"I'm sorry, Kayla. I came to find you since I heard we will be working together. Would you care for a tour?" Rex asked.

"Yes, thank you." Rex and Kayla walked side by side when they could, occasionally brushing hands or arms when the hallway became too narrow. She could feel a spark of energy from him each time they touched and she didn't know what it meant. He took her by the medbay, munitions storage, the armory, the bridge, and finally the rec area. There were places to exercise and play team sports. The clones grew restless if they sat still for too long so it was good for them to expend some energy.

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