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Kayla was deeply unsettled the next few days. Attending the banquet reminded her too much of her home and life that was taken from her. She stayed in her cabin, only coming out to get dinner. Rex took note of her absence and began to worry a little about her. But he didn't have much time to come up with reasons of why she would be upset. Anikan came with another undercover mission. "We need you to travel to the banking clan and find out why they are refusing to fund more clones for the war. They were present at the senate hearings and very supportive and now they have backed out. Kayla, I know you're not a senator, but your family was in good standing with them. That will be your cover story. You are cousin to the Daival family and support the Republic. Rex will go with you as your assistant."

Kayla nodded her head and left the briefing room. She walked through the ship quickly, looking for Captain Rex. She found him working out with a few clones in the gym and she had wished she had not found them so easily. They were bare chested while working out, sweat glistening off their round muscles. "Ahem, Captain Rex," Kayla called out in the large room. He stopped what he was doing, grabbed a towel to wipe down his sweaty face and strode with swagger to Kayla. She was visibly trying to look anywhere but his chest and failing miserably. "Good to see you, Kayla. How can I help you?" he said as he leaned against the door frame. Fives walked up behind him, crossing his arms and making his chest look bigger while he winked at Kayla.

"Ah, Anikan has another mission for us. We are headed to see the banking clan; it's undercover," she stuttered out.

"Are you ok? You're turning a little red," he said to her.

"Um, well, Fives is putting on a show for me, behind you. Doesn't he know hutt mating season isn't for another few months?" she said as she smirked.

Fives put a hand over his heart, "Oh! You wound me, so, Kayla. I take back every nice thing I said about you." He pointed a finger at her and then walked away, strutting. The other clones were laughing at him as he walked back.

Kayla was trying to act normal not staring at Rex's chest, but continued to fail. "Well, that's all, Captain. I'll be in my quarters if you need me."

As Kayla turned to walk away, Rex took his towel and snapped it at Kayla's rear, popping her soundly. "Oh! That was a good one!" he exclaimed.

Kayla cried out when the towel snapped her and she put a hand where it had hit. She knew he was being playful, but she couldn't help the flare of emotion it evoked from her. Anger, sadness, memories of torture. She crouched against the wall, covering her head defensively with her arms. She took deep breaths to steady her breathing and fight off flashbacks from torture at the hands the previous seperatist captain. Rex immediately regretted what he had done and rushed to crouch down in front of her. "Kayla, I'm so sorry! Kayla, you're ok, you're here on the Resolute..." He didn't touch her for fear of thinking he was part of her terror.

She could barely hear him over the sound of her heart pounding and blood rushing through her veins. Her eyes were sealed shut and she was biting her lip, almost drawing blood as she did so. "Cyar'ika, please, ...I'm so sorry..."

She had finally calmed down enough and collapsed completely against the wall. She opened her eyes and took in Rex's worried face. "There you are," he said to her softly.

Her eyes focused on him and she gave him a cold look. "How about I wake you up with a flash-bang and see how you like it," she seethed at him.

"I'm sorry, I was just playing around. Let me help you up," he said as he extended a hand to her.

"Don't touch me!" she said in a hard voice. She stood up on shaky legs and wiped the sweat from her face. "Be ready to leave this evening." She grabbed the data pad she had dropped and walked to her quarters. She promptly locked the door and collapsed on her bed into a ball, and cried. She cried for her lost family, for her brothers and her mother. She cried for being robbed of her childhood and entering into a war. She cried for the torture she suffered and the scars she would carry on her skin and her heart. When she was spent, she went to the refresher and washed her face with cool water. She knew Rex didn't mean to upset her, and now she felt that whatever kindness and trust they had built up was vaporized by her anger.

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