Netflix Marathon

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Aiden looked at Lillian while she was asleep. It was about the normal time she woke up and just like he had called it she woke up. "morning kitten" he said like every morning "morning" she said. Aiden went and made coffee while she got dressed. She took the coffee from him and they sat on the couch "how is it that you can sit on a couch perfectly fine but I can't touch you?" She asked Aiden shrugged "I don't have to sit, I can go straight through if I chose to" he said and his hand slipped right through the fabric and plush pillows. Lillian sighed "I wish I knew why you became visible, Lillian sighed "why? So you could figure out how to undo it?" Aiden joked Lillian smiled "no, so I  could figure out how to make you a solid being" she said with a sad tone in her voice Aiden smiled at her sadly "hey, we might figure out how to make me visible; we might not. It doesn't matter, ok it kind of does but I know it will happen and when it does I will hold you and never let you go" he said Lillian smiled at him and placed her hand where she would hit flesh on anyone else he smiled back.

Her phone rang startling them out of their moment of happiness, hope and longing. "hey Mags what's up?" she asked "hey sweetheart I'm going to have to take a rain check on our date tonight" Magnus said sadly Lillian was sad, "why?" she asked "Because Alec is sick, and I need to be ready to take him to the hospital at any time" Magnus said "I do not need you to take care of me! Go have fun" Alec said "your 102.73 degree temperature tells me different Alexander. Do not argue with me again." Magnus said in a stern voice Alec could be heard groaning in the background "anyways, we can do it another time?" Magnus asked "yes, now go take care of your sick baby" Lillian demanded "thank you. love you darling" he said "love you to!" she replied. they hung up.

"So looks like it's just you and me" Aiden said Lillian smiled "yup, just you and me. What should we do Mr. Ghost Sir?" Lillian jokingly asked "why not just have a Netflix marathon?" he suggested "you mind reader!" she exclaimed and that's just what they did. 

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