Chapter 47 - Killer

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The first thing I notice when I wake up is the empty spot beside me. I glance at the clock on the nightstand, only to see it's past seven in the morning, meaning my Cupcake has already gone to work.

Grumbling at the brace on my leg, I get up from the bed and head to the bathroom. I sluggishly go through my morning routine, constantly cursing the piece of plastic on my leg. Had it not been for Snake and his buddy Chuck, I wouldn't have to wear this and I would be able to take my Cupcake to work. How I wish I could just smash those assholes' faces...

After I'm done with my shower, I go to brush my teeth, once again stunned at how calm I am even with the mirror right in front of me. Barely weeks ago a mere glimpse at my own reflection would bring me back to Ice's death and the torture my brother and I went through, but now... now all I see is my face. No anguish, no bloody scenes, no torture, no nightmares...

Just me.

It's unbelievable how easily my Cupcake helped me get over my past. She's like a ray of sunshine that brightens my whole existence. I will forever cherish her and love her. She's all I need. All I have.

As I stand in front of the intricately decorated mirror my Cupcake insisted on buying, I run my hand over my beard, thinking about whether I should shave it or not. I don't know if Cupcake likes me better with or without it. She hasn't seen me shaved yet...

I decide to leave my facial hair as it is and simply get ready for the day. According to the note my cute Cupcake left me, she'll be back at seven. That means I'll have to spend almost twelve hours without her. This is a nightmare.

I can't wait for Cupcake to stop working at that damn restaurant. It's too far away.

"Hey, Killer." Maggie and Lia greet cheerfully from the kitchen as I slowly limp behind the bar.


"Go sit down, breakfast will be ready soon." Maggie smiles warmly, stunning me for a moment. It's been a while since I've had someone make breakfast for me. Usually it's me making it for others...

"Thanks..." I say quietly, slightly taken aback at the cheerful grins on the ladies' faces. I carefully limp to one of the tables and sit down, leaving my leg outstretched beside it. I don't have to wait long for Lia to bring me my breakfast. I stare at the heaping piles of food in pure shock. Jesus, do they think I have three stomachs or something?!

"Bon appétit!" Lia grins then skips back to the kitchen, looking quite hyper for such an early hour.

"Thank you!" I call out after her, getting a quick wink in response. This woman, I swear to god...

It's not long before the guys start piling in, some of them in the company of some sluts they picked up last night. I can't believe that I used to take different women to my bed just to fill that emptiness in me, when all it took for me to feel something was getting run over by a tiny green-eyed fairy.

I barely stop myself from laughing at the disgusted look on Blake's face as one of the sluts glues herself to him and presses her body to his. He tries to take his arm out of her grasp, but the slut keeps talking to him quietly. I don't hear what she's saying, but it's doesn't take a genius to know what she's doing. The slut is trying to seduce a claimed man.

I glance intrigued at Lia to check her reaction to this, but she only watches the scene in front of her blankly, more interested in drinking her coffee than saving her man.

"I suggest you take those fake boobs away from him before I rip them off your body." I can't help but chuckle at the threat in Lia's voice.

"And who the fuck are you?" The slut scoffs. Uh-oh, that was the wrong thing to say.

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