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he stared back at me his bright blue eyes pierced deep into my soul. he held up some sort of inhaler looking thing then everything went black... again.
when i woke up i was on the floor of a cell that consisted of a single bed and a toilet. i looked around for anything else to see Oscar sitting on the floor opposite me.
"What are you doing here?" i asked still ticked off that he was the reason i was even here.
"It's complicated..." he replied looking at the ground in between his legs. I sat up and leaned against the metal bars that began to instantly dig into my back.
"Well, I have time. Thanks to you i have nowhere to be." i stared at his deeply until he met my gaze, then i held mine and he looked away. "Wait... if you're the reason im in here why are you here too?"
"Like I said... It's complicated," was all he had time to say before the doors to our cell room burst open. I jumped to me feet ready to fight anyone or anything I had to to get out of her and hopefully home to my family.
"Oscar!" Yelled one of the girls who busted down the doors. She looked my age. She was a little shorter than me and had black hair that was pulled into a neatly tied back bun in the center of her head. The other girl who also looked my age had long black hair that was pulled into a neat long ponytail that easily reached the center of her back.
"Carrie, Rose!" Oscar yelled back. Just then two middle aged men came running through the doors followed by a group of guys in suits carrying guns.
"Great job Oscar!" Yelled One of the middle aged men.
"Thanks frank," oscar yelled back "now, can you get us out of here?" The other middle aged man started towards our cell.
"No, but I can." I grabbed oscars ring and shot the laser out at the lock mechanism of the cell. I ran to the door and kicked it open. the door swung open almost hitting the other middle aged man who was ready to fight me.
"I wouldn't do that stark," oscar warned "she already took out SKULs agents..."
"Then let's see how she does against out top agents," stark motioned for the men in suits to attack me and they did. immediately the first guy came at me thrusting his fist at my face. I grabbed his fist and redirected it towards one of the other agents. Another two came after me. When they got close enough I ducked and did a low spinning heal kick to one, causing him to fall on his back, and a jumping spinning heal kick to the other, sending him flying back onto the ground. The last agent came after me with some sort of staticky glove. I grabbed his wrist and turned it around to his face then kicked him in the stomach.
"Anyone else." I asked the group of still standing agents. Stark began towards me "oh I'm going to enjoy this!" I snickered a little.
"Not as much as we are!" Yelled one of the girl agents laughing.
Stark came at me with a punch to the gut. I dodged his pathetic attempt to hurt me sideways and kicked him in the back sending him into the metal bars of our old cell.
"Are we done here?" I asked becoming bored.
" Not yet, Carrie, Rose" he motioned for the two girls to attack me.
"Please we're not stupid" said one of the girls
"Yeah Rose is the smartest girl in school!" Said the other girl who I assumed was Carrie. "Plus she's a part of our team!"
"Wait last time I checked he wanted you to attack me... Now I'm on your "team"?"
"Yeah he has those stupid moments.." Said Rose. Everyone began laughing at this. Everyone except Stark of course.
"We better get going, we have to enroll you in st. Hopes!" Frank explained looking at his watch.
"But it's summer break!" I complained
"Not here... We still have a few months left and it's 6 am," replied oscar.
"What makes you think I want to stay here?" I snapped
"The fact that you have no choice," stark replied. He was really starting to annoy me.
"Why not?" I asked "what about my parents?"
"They knew this day would come... All those times they were going to the "pet lovers convention" they were really going on secret missions!" Frank explained. My jaw dropped. This can't be happening.
So i made a spy outfit for Avril on Polyvore! It's the picture above. Go check it out :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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