Chapter 17

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Jin woke up in daze looking around with bright lights.

"Where am I?.." he mumbled squinting his eyes trying to get them to focus.

"Oh your awake!"

Jin turned to the small voice and saw a girl sitting next to him.

"Who are you? Where am i?.." Jin asked rubbing his eyes to see the girl better.

"Uh long story short we saved you from underground when you uhm..supposedly died.."

Jin gasped and he held his head as the memories once again came rushing in causing a headache to form.

"Oh here sit up you need to eat!"

The random stranger helps Jin sit up on the bed he was laying on and went away to get him food.

Jin looked down at his hands, his arms and looked to see a small mirror and stared at his reflection. 

His skin dangerously pale. His eyes dull and his lips cracked, his hair very messy and greasy. His arms full of scars he has done. It's been so long since he looked...decent he doesn't even remember how he used to look back then when he... was happy..

Jin's eyes became glossy with tears threatening to fall. He is disappointed in himself. He hates himself so much.

He heard small footsteps and sees a man and a the same girl or woman since she isn't a little girl.

Jin recalls the guy but he doesn't remember where he saw him.

"Hey..I'm Jackson..don't worry I won't harm you but please eat." Jackson smiles as he hands Jin some food.

Jin can't help but stare at the food. Because the pain and torture he went through he hasn't eaten anything  back then and now finds foods disgusting.

Jin cringes at the sight of eating food and Jackson notices.
" I don't know what you've been through but it must have been a lot since know-anyways please try to eat. Whatever bad things happened to you we." Jackson puts his arms around Lisa's shoulder and smiles.

"Won't let anything bad happen to you...and that's a promise."

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