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'What are you smiling about?' I ask Ahmad as he enters the car.
     'I got more books from Ummul's dad' he says opening his bag to show me a couple of books.
    'That's good, did you thank him?'I asked as I drive out of the middle school parking lot.
    'Yup. He came to my class just an hour before the closing time' he said reading the blurb of a purple book I don't know.
    'Okay' I say as I keep on eyes on the road, thinking about what do do at home.
     Today is the day I finally move in with sky. We got our thing ready a few days ago and the furniture wasn't a problem.
     Painting was all it needed. I haven't painted in a while and I really want to paint something for an unknown reason.
    'Oh' I hear Ahmad say and I look at him through the rear mirror.
    'What is it?' I ask getting curious, he lifted a picture which I couldn't see properly cause it was black and white.
     'Who do you think it is?' I ask him turning my eyes back onto the road.
    'I don't know, but I'm guessing she's Ummul's  mother cause they look alike' he says going back to his book.
    Hmm hmm I mumbled and continued driving.
    Maybe I'll paint her mom to give as a gift. But a gift without an occasion from an unknown person would be creepy if you ask me. 
   But it would be a good thing to draw since I haven't drawn anything for a while now.
    I thought of buying paint next time I'm out cause I am starving. I am not the one known for procrastination.
    But I know if I buy what I need now, my stomach is just going to worsen. And I am not good the right state to get a stomach ache.
    I stop at Suhail's and Ahmad comes down without a second look.
    'Tell my brother I'll see him tomorrow or so!' I shout at Ahmad who only nod and opens his door and closes it.
    I go to my parents cause I'm in no mood to start cooking for myself and I don't want take out.
    'Mom?! Dad?!'I say when I entered the house removing my coat and shoes.
     'Assalam to you too' my mom says in the I'm not happy with you voice
    'Wa'Alaykum Mus Salam. I'm sorry I didn't say it when I entered the home' I apologise looking at the kitchen.
    'Where's  dad?' I ask when I don't see him anywhere down.
    'He went to get something from the neighbours, apparently the mail man swapped the mail' she said sipping her tea.
    'Hmm okay, what did you have for lunch? Are they any leftovers?' I ask
    'Check the microwave I had a feeling you would come so I left some for you' she said gong back to her tea.
'Awww Thanks ma!' I said opening the microwave revealing Mac and cheese leftover.
'Yeah sure, next time I won't save anything for you, go get your own home, maybe you'll understand' she mumbled
'Yeah yeah whatever, the goods part is that you still left some for me cause you guys can't deny the fact that y'all love me' I say going into the living room to check on what's the worlds watching.
I click on Netflix and scroll down to the Korean series I was watching the other day.
'Hello darling' my dad said coming into the living room with a stack of papers and other stuff I can't tell what they are.
'Hi dad, how many things did the mail man exchange?' I asked
'A few things. The remaining papers just came, Suhail sent some stuff to me, that's why there's a lot of stuff here' he explains
'And your going to read all theses documents?' I say irritated by the smell of dusty old papers
'Oh hell no. I'm going to read the first and last document and tell him what I know' and that's my dad
I laugh at him and go back to my series and food.


'And I said I don't care' a voice says from the door and I turn to see that Ahmad is reading his book while Imran holds onto his arm.
'But why?! Can't you see I need to play games?! I'm tired of watching you read your book. Give me the phone!! Please!!' Imran screams at him.
Ahmad as calm as ever doesn't react to his voice, he just rolls his eyes and shake Imran's hand off of him.
'What's are you screaming about Imran?' Mom asks when she comes in.
'Ahmad doesn't want to give me the emergency phone, mom put games in it today morning and told Ahmad to give it to me, so I could keep it in my pocket and play with it anytime but he won't give it to me' Imran's Pouts sitting on the love chair
'Is it true Ahmad?' My mom asks quirking an eyebrow.
Ahmad slowly closes his book (which is different from the one I saw him read two hours ago in the car) and looks up at us, his face zero emotion as always. 'Would you believe everything that Imran says? Cause if you do then he's probably right' he says then goes back to his book.
'Well then, Imran go play outside with your grandpa, he's setting the monopoly game board, I'm sure he would love it if you would join us' Mom says and Imran follows her.
I sit back and thought of what to do cause my eyes are really aching from watching the television.
'What's this book about? Care to tell?' I say to him in attempt to start a conversation.
He looks up from his book before tilting his head 'your tired of watching and you felt like starting a conversation with me, I am right aren't I?' He asked
'Yeah, that's true. It was too silent for me and I was tired of watching' I sigh.
'Well, continue watching' he says and I look at him confused ' you used past tense for tired. You said you were tired instead of saying I am tired of watching' he explains
'Could you?- can I?- you like saying stuff like that don't you?' I asked
'Yes I do. It actually helps me, I don't really like talking to people, for different reasons, so I look for the grammatical error in your sentence or something you would feel awkward about to shut you up' he smiled revealing his dimples that I never knew he had 'its my way, I didn't learn it from anyone, and stop thinking about my dimples please' he says turning back to poker face.
'I have a question, why? Don't you like talking to people? And why don't you smile more?' I ask
'I have my reasons besides I talk in school, I just don't want to at home' he says going back to his book ending the conversation but I still ask
'You talk in school? Huh? That's odd cause I didn't know you talked at school, I always thought you were the quiet kid in school due to your behaviour'i said
'Well, there are a lot of things my family members don't know about me, and I'm not expecting them to know. I like life better like this' he snaps back at me.
'Hmm, Okay then, but I won't bug you if you tell me something about yourself that no one knows' I say
'Okay then, I don't like people asking me personal questions, I like the fact that I'm the quiet kid at home and I liked the old you' he stated.
'Noted. But what old me? We only spoke through the phone about six seven times when I wasn't here' I say
'Yeah that you, the one behind the screen' he says rolling his eyes at me.
'Okay now, listen up young man, I don't take any attitude from someone ten years younger than me. So keep it to yourself' I sternly say
'Okay then but one more question, that means if I weren't seventeen years younger that you, you would still have taken the attitude? Cause that was what I understood from your...sentence' he said with a cheeky little smile.
'Okay that's it, go somewhere out off my sight,your bugging me.' I say frowning
'But I thought you wanted a conversation with me? Have I?...irritated you? Or...have I? Hmm caught up to your IQ level?' He says his smile turning into the one similar to the cat in Alice in wonderland, which I can't remember clearly what his name was.
'Bye!!' He said running towards the kitchen, safe from my upcoming statement.
I rolled my eyes at him and stare at the ceiling thinking of what to do when my phone rings and shows sky's name.
'What's up bae?' I ask her, looking back at the ceiling.
'You would never guessed what happened' she squealed and judging by the tone of her voice it's one of three things, 1. President trump got impeached, 2. Her five year boyfriend just proposed or 3. She got a new job cause she apparently hated her current job.
'What happened?' I ask getting anxious already about what the out come might be.
'He proposed, Jonathan proposed to me. Right in front of everyone in the restaurant' she screamed happily.
'How did he propose? Tell me about it' I say getting into a comfortable position.
'Just come home. I'm home right now, it's best we talk in person. I'm so excited! Eeee!' She exclaimed
'Alright I'll be there in twenty, let me say by to my folks alright?' I said standing up already.
'Yeah sure, just come fast, I can't keep it to myself' she said ending the call.
I went to the backyard where everyone was, 'Mom?! Dad?! I'm going to my apartment, Jonathan just proposed to sky and she wants to tell me about it, talk later?' I say
'Yeah sure, just make sure to bring your groom to be next time your here' mom scoffs
'I thought we talked about it?' I say not liking where she was going with this.
'Just because we don't talk about it doesn't mean we don't want it to happen. But don't mind me, I'm the mood crasher, have fun at home, bring juicy bits too!' She says
'Bye!' Dad and my nephews shout But Ahmad Bye is different, reminds me of Draco Malfoy
I glare at him and he sizes me up. I huff and go out the door.
Before I get him I stop by the grocery store to get some supplies cause what's a nice'n juicy talk without food?
I grab a basket and head to the sweets and cookies aisle. I grab some Fox's and Maryland's
And more Fox's with some Oreos.
And there was Ummul Khulthum teaching our to the chocolate which was on the highest row.
I don't blame her, I would do anything to get dairy milk bubbles.
'Hello' I say when I approach her, she was startled at first but she calmed down almost immediately.
'Hi auntie Suraya, can you get that chocolate for me? I can't seem to reach it, maybe I'm too short?' She says more to herself than to me.
'Yeah sure, how many? Let's get you two of these and three of these, right?' I said choosing the chocolate bars
She nodded and collected them, 'thank you auntie Suraya, I'll go give them to Abba, Bye!' She says running off to the other aisles as I pic out my chocolate bars.
I pay for my stuff and go straight home, fully equipped for the next thing waiting for me.


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