Chapter 15

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(3rd pov)

6 months have past since Akira left Kouh during that time Rias has obtained new members which are Xenovia, Rosweisse and Gasper, new allies have been made in the case of Azazel, Michael and a childhood friend of Issei, now all of them are dealing with something huge as it turns out that Vali is the descendant of lucifer and the true heir of the name. Now he is going to kill all of humanity

Vali: Since god is dead what's the point of humanity? Why not destroy it (smiling)

Rias: We will not let you destroy humanity!

Vali: And how are you going to defeat me? My sacred gear is far superior than the Red Dragon Emperor

Sirzech: (Thoughts: Looks like I have no other choice but to bring him in) Lucifer! Why not settle this with a rating game, Rias's peerage versus yours if she wins you won't destroy humanity

Vali: Oh and what happens if I win?

Sirzech: You can have it....

Vali: Than I accept, it would be some lovely entertainment (smiles)

Sirzech: Yes but you need to give my sister and her peerage 10 days to train

Vali: I will allow it, let's go everyone

Vali leaves, the three leaders have a meeting and Azazel grabs Sirzech by the shirt

Azazel: Are you insane, what were you thinking!?

Sirzech: Buying us some time, I have a plan

Azazel let goes of Sirzech

Michael: What's your plan?

Sirzech: I know one person who can defeat Vali but I don't know if he will say yes

Azazel: And who would that be?

Sirzech: Akira Hyoudou...

Michael: How powerful is he?

Sirzech: He has defeated my sister and her peerage multiple times and has crippled Riser

Azazel: He is that powerful?

Sirzech: Yes, now me and Grafiya will go and find him while everyone must stay safe

Azazel: Agreed but where

Sirzech: The old school building

Michael: I see, contact us when you find him

The two leaders leave as Sirzech and Grafiya change into their human clothes and leave to go find Akira


Akira was working a part time job in a family cafe called Benny's and has been giving out coffee to people, he has gotten better at making coffee. The door opens

Akira: Wel-

Akira sees it's Sirzech and Grafiya have arrived and just smiles

Akira: How can I help you two

Sirzech and Grafiya sit down on a table where Akira comes to ask for their orders

Sirzech: It's been some time since we last saw you

Akira: It has, how are the others

Sirzech: They are doing just fine even if you did make my sister cry with your letter

Akira: You here to kill me for that?

Sirzech: No, I'm just surprised that you picked a town where there aren't any devils

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