a tale of old time...

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The legends from long ago have foretold the story of the Lady of Evil and Purity. The only being capable of harnessing both light and darkness, made from equal parts of it, able to rival that of the Demon King and the Supreme Deity. It was said that she held such grace and elegance, malice and misfortune altogether and one would often think that as such as a mixture, it would result to nothing but chaos.

She walked the lands for years, said to bring balance and equality to both worlds; to keep darkness at bay and to make sure goodness proceeds to all but, with being regarded with high prowess and powers, it came with a price.

The tales of the innate being reached through generations, telling that the supposed Guardian of Britannia was set to forge balance in its lands, for she was both Light and Darkness itself... Chaos personified.

But how the tales were so wrong.


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It was darkness.

Stretching over the horizon was nothing but a blank void of darkness, crippling and echoing static in the background as I trekked along the dry lands. When the sun was to shine among the scenery, the screams and flames would soon find its way to haunt again and thus, the nightmares would come to bring itself to my mind. Ironic, it really was. Nightmares were often incorporated with the night, but to me, it was when the day would dawn and I would have to endure another hellish torture of hearing pitiful shrieks.

I didn't want this. I never wanted this. For years, I had to live and survive being on my own, drowned with loneliness and longing, searching for something to hold on to and yet when I tried to give my hand out to help, they look at me in utter disgust and fear.

"Go forth and find your purpose. Bring equality and balance to all" Mother Chaos once said.

But how could I when all they wanted was war?

"Please stop..." I tried to beg as the battalion approached me, once again the vile beasts came to bring noise to my peaceful hideout. What did they want? I didn't know but it was a living hell trying to figure out why they wanted to sought me out so much.

"I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. Please stop," I pleaded, desperate. I don't what to hurt anyone, I never wanted to hurt anyone, but with their ways, I was left with no choice but to fend for myself, for my own survival. Maybe it was selfish, but this world had demands and if you wanted to live, you had to stay on top of the chain.

The shrieks came and so did the overwhelming feeling of guilt and pleasure. It consumed my head as I flew up, blasting and defending myself from the foes, who's objective wasn't yet clear to me.

"Don't. Please don't" the man begged as I stepped on its chest. The heaving of his lungs vibrated from the root of my foot, sending a sharp tingle to my arms.

Kill him.

Spare him.

It was the voices that echoed against my head once again. I bit my lip, to the point where it almost bled at the intensity. The tip of my sword was barely inches away from piercing the man's throat and my hands shook as it grasped the handle.

With a thrilling shriek, blood spluttered across the already red tainted lands. Fire erupting from different parts and distant screams remained as a background for the hell that happened around here.

Why did you kill him?

He should be honored to die at your hands.

Hands flying up to the side of my head, I whimpered. Tears were pooling at the sides of my orbs, blurring my vision of the scarred patches of dirt. I was hoping the action would at least give me a sane moment to recollect myself, even if it was just a second.

But the moment never came.

Like a drill in my brain, like a plague swarming my consciousness, it was inevitable. It ate away at my guts and infiltrated my senses. The sensation grew bigger, threatening to eat my whole system.

It felt like I was going insane.

There was an ongoing battle between my ego and mercy.

"You look lost" a voice called and for a moment I thought that I was only hallucinating but when ten demonic auras entered the field, I knew it was real. What? Where they here to haunt me too? To kill me? In all honesty I wanted them to do it, because I couldn't handle it anymore.

I wanted to die now.

"I don't want to kill anyone. Get away from me now, if you don't want me to end you too." I growled.

Everything I was thinking was in contrast to what I was saying. I didn't know why but I just wanted to disappear.

"Is it guilt that's eating your mind? Are you guilty of killing people that wanted to kill you in the first place?"


Yes. Very much.

"Stop. Make it stop" I begged, clawing at the raw skin at my sides, for a moment I felt blood dripping at the sides of my cheeks.

"We can help you. I can help you. Those who seek to kill you are afraid of you, because they do not understand how great you are. The power you hold, they fear that"

"Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Fear me?"

The man chuckled, blonde hair moving across the wind with a slight smirk on his face. That purple mark that stretched across his features affirmed the fact that these people were indeed demons.

"I understand you"

Do you?

Was there really someone who understood me? My mind was in constant tangle, my head was spinning like crazy.

"I can help you." He repeated and my heart hammered because it wanted to believe. That I was going to be saved, that I was going to be rescued. I wanted to believe him, more than I allowed myself to.

And because of that, I took his outstretched hand, accepting the fate to come if I was to go along with him and only hoping he could save me from this despair and loneliness. Hoping he could put me out of misery.

Hoping he could give me back my insanity.


the prologue is related to the mc's back story hehe. this is a little sneak peak.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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