5. The Softest of Touch.

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Okay so I really like how this turned out. I was going to update WWGFH but then I decided to go with this. It's cute, ok. As always, vote and comment for Binjin!

If someone had told Bin that accepting that piece of chocolate from the girl of his dreams that day would lead him to see her so frequently, he would have laughed his lungs out at the absurdity of it.

But now.

Now, here he was- couped up in the Seoul National Universityʼs gigantic library on a Saturday night as he scribed away problem after problem for the pouty girl in front of him to solve. When Yejin was busy solving the problem, he took the time to admire her beauty up-close- he'd palm his chin and gaze longingly at the bridge of her nose, the curve of her soft cherry lips, the little flecks of gold in her peripheral eye, the crinkling of her eyes when she was unsure of the right answer and the scent of coconut from her hair.

Three years of admiring her from afar had finally paid off, for now, he could witness her ethereal beauty in person.

Truth be told, he had not expected Yejin to come back for their study sessions. The day he had ridiculously offered her chocolate himself had been one warning of the situation, then, her not turning up for their session on Monday had been the final nail in the coffin of acceptance- that she was not coming back. Who knew she was going to be using his own, well, actually Minhoʼs technique to get back at him for how she had disappointed him?

He really needed to thank Minho for the singje good advice the jerk had given him. If only he'd show up to the university.

It had been precisely two weeks since his little happy incident with Yejin, also, exactly two weeks since he had last seen Minho. Bin recalled he didn't have a ride back home that day, so he definitely wasn't hallucinating.

Bin had been so busy with his studies, now with these tutoring sessions too that he barely had any time to go about his own business; which also included checking up on Minho. He made a mental note to go to his apartment/frat house which he shared with three other boys.

"You're giving me harder questions than usual today! This is not fair!" Yejin almost knocked him off his chair with her loud outburst. She folded her arms on her chest and turned her head at once in his direction, her long ebony hair flopping at her wayward actions. "I need to be at a party and you-" she balled her hands into little fists and brought them up to where his glasses were positioned. Careful not to hit too hard, she knocked her knuckles on the bridge of his nose as if relieving some of the pent up anger. Bin remained stationery, too caught up with the fact that she had touched him; while Yejinʼs shoulders slumped in defeat, her lips pouty.

"Why are you doing this to me, Senpai?" her choice of words brought a chuckle out of him. He cast her a glance and found her sighing.

You're adorable, was what he wanted to say. "It's because you are now two weeks in, we need to go on the next level now," was what he told her with a smile. "I'll solve one question for you and then see, you'll be able to do the rest on your own."

This nerd annoyed Yejin so much, she wanted to scream at him.

She couldn't figure him out and it made her absolutely furious. With the rest of her guys she had come across, everyone apart from this cute nerd in his oversized sweater and Harry Potter glasses. With all the other guys, she already knew what they wanted; a chance to flaunt her like some piece of expensive jewelry, a trophy as if they had worked so hard to achieve it. Little did all these asshole know that Yejin was just bored, she didn't see the problem with these men satisfying their huge egos by using her as an excuse but now, with Bin, she questioned everything she had done, all that she had let slip- giving a boost to these bastardsʼ pride to flaunt her around, not telling them she was uncomfortable when they shoved their tongue down her throat without her consent, being okay with things she really wasn't okay with.

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