6. Cheese In The Trap.

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A month and a half had gone by in the blink of any eye. Before they knew it, the mock session had already made a fatal entry into the students' lives. Just last week, Yejin had been enjoying ramen with Bin and his friend, whatever was his name, and now, she was hyperventilating at the mere thought of a single sheet of paper she had to sit in a secluded room to fill in and which, much to her horror, would have to be graded.

As she absently chews on a granola bar her tutor slash friend had handed her, she watched his relaxed form from across the table as he checked the test he had made for her. How could anyone be so calm when they had their mocks next week, Yejin did not know the answer to that, but she did figure that someone like Hyun Bin, the nerd of all nerd bodies in the entire world, did not have to give to tosses about something as undaunting as a sheet of paper that would decide his future.

When you were Hyun Bin, the exam sheet was afraid of you and not vice versa.

"So," he coughs once, and then twice.

Yejin knew what that meant.

It meant that she managed to fuck up.

Unbeknown to him, the spoiled girl had been observing for quite some time now. She could not help it; everything he did was just so fascinating to Yejin. For someone like her, who had encountered possibly all types of people in the world; from fellow bullies to egotistical bastards, from whimpering losers to plain dummies, Bin was an exception to all of that.

She had never seen someone who was so passionate about... studies.

"Okay," Yejin announced, folding her arms on her chest, "What did I get wrong this time?" In response, Bin only stares at her dumbfounded. His warm eyes widen a mere inch and pink lips part in surprise. It takes him a second to gather himself.

"No- nothing. Why would you think you did something wrong?" his voice sounds flustered, making Yejin sigh.

Thanks to after university hours, the library was empty. Just like many of their sessions together, they had come in almost two hours ago and repeated their mantra for the day- two hours of Bin teaching Yejin the advanced fundamentals of Accounting, that being the tips and tricks on how to balance your balance sheet when nothing seemed to work, (not really the right thing to do, but hey, all was fair in love and war and Yejin battling Accounting was war indeed) and the remaining one hour allotted to him testing her ability to not only memorize what he had taught her but finish the test in the given time.

But that look on his face right now, Yejin knew all too well.

"Come on nerd, just say it. Save us both the time." at her words, she noticed him flinch, but if he wanted to say something, he did not. Instead of answering her from his seat across from her, he walked over to her side of the shared table. His long legs took him to her in no more than two steps and all of a sudden, Yejin found herself at the mercy of his narrowed eyes from behind his specs. Gently, he leans into her body on the chair with arms on either side of her. With one hand straightening her notebook to meet their sight and the other, brushing but not quite touching her arm that was propped up on the table.

All too quickly, her breathing becomes shallow. Her heartbeat picks up the pace and for some odd reason, she finds her body coiling under his comparatively larger frame. Up close, she could smell his cologne. The deek husky scent traveled all the way down her spine in hushed whispers. It was then, that she decided that this was her favorite scent; sandalwood and a little like honey. All other men she had ever encountered in her life did not only drown themselves in gallons of heavily scented colognes but also acted as if she liked it when the truth was far from it.

"You are wrecking my brain, Yejin." His breath fans her exposed neck and she instantly regrets not wearing a scarf, not because it was cold, dear god no, but because had she known someone would have induced a shot of adrenaline on him which was giving him all this extra confidence. She fumbles with her fingers in her lap, common sense kicked out of the window. It really was no big deal, though.

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