Shitty day (I)

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Everything in my life was normal. Despite being normal I was satisfied. I had the ability to control my life, choice of university, my grades and my dream job. I'm now 25 and my life was sailing smoothly, but that's until I met him.
"Mmm, stupid alarm. What time is it?" I grabbed my phone feeling groggy. That grogginess ended when I stared at the time in shock.
"8:20 am! Ah! Shit, shit, shit."
I jumped out of my bed (my place to escape reality) to get ready for work. As always I wore my white formal shirt and my long black skirt. Quickly, applied some makeup and tied my hair into a loose ponytail. I ran to the bus stop as my life depended. My blood, sweat and tears paid off when I caught up to the bus just in time. "I really need to stop sleeping late," I mumbled to myself. Another shitty day, I thought.

Time skip————————
"Finally lunch. Hey, Ada let's go to the canteen." I cheerfully smiled at the beautiful woman beside me.
"Uh, you go without me I got something to do."
Ada my coworker I've been friends with for a year now. She's so elegant and sweet, basically, she's just an angel. I'm really grateful for having good people in my life. Merrily, I returned back from the canteen, when I saw Ada talking to another coworker.
"Ada, what's up with you hanging out with Y/N for a year?"
"Oh, Y/N..."
I hid behind the wall, listening in their conversation. I could hear my heart thumping, anticipating Ada's response.
"Well, she's kinda my tool to use. You know using her for my benefits."
I felt my blood boiling. Intoxicated with fury, I walked towards Ada.
" bitch who do think you are? Go fuck your self!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I stomped off not letting Ada a chance to react or respond. I can't believe that bitch! In fact, I can't believe I thought of her as an angel!" Can this shitty day get any better?

Time skip——————-
It's now 11:30 pm, I completed my project that was due today. Feeling like absolute shit, I decided to go home and watch some movies. It's been 15min walking alone in a deserted alleyway when suddenly I heard screaming.
What the actual fuck! I thought. I crept silently, towards the area. Instantly regretting my decision, I was flabbergasted in terror, I saw a tall man injecting some sort of drug to a woman of my age and dumping her in a car. Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.
"Well...this is awkward." The man embarrassedly replied.
He suddenly bolted his way after my ass. All I could do was run. From this manic. From all the snake-like coworkers. From this shitty day. My adrenaline pumping through, taking full control of my body. My heels echoing as I'm running away from this insane man, who is an inch away from me. Grabbing my phone to call for assistance, I felt a sharp metal inserted into my neck I had no time to react my body was paralysed and my eyes were blacking out rapidly.
"Phew, almost got into trouble. You're quite fast for a woman in heels. Let's have some fun together young lady hehe." The man let out a manic laugh. 

Hello!! 🙈
This is my first time writing so please don't be so harsh on me I'm quite a softy 😳 and no mean comments!!!  Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this I'm very grateful 🤩😌 hoped you enjoyed it 🐵

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