Confusion and Kisses

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    It was in the middle of 6th year, Severus Snape was going about his day like a normal human being, when none other than the marauders approached him.
    "What so you want?" He asked, clearly annoyed.
    "You~" James said, walking closer to Severus.
    The slytherin looked utterly confused for a moment, than realized what he was doing.
    This idiot thinks he can mess with me! Fine then, I'll play his stupid little game.
    "You can have me whenever you want me~" he said, than walked away.
    "What. The. Hell." Sirius said, not sure whether to be disgusted or to laugh his head off.
    "Damnit, he caught on to what I was doing. Fine. I'll continue this." James said with a smirk, then followed Severus.
    It was time for potions, then the day would be over. He walked into the class and saw that there was only one seat left empty, the one next to Snape.
    He sighed then took his seat next to Severus.
    "Potter." Snape said, not liking the fact that he was sitting near him either.
    "Oh, say my name again. But slower~" James said, attracting the attention from many students around them.
    Severus, who wasnt able to come up with a good enough comeback to this stayed silent.
    "Today class, we will be brewing draught of peace. Often used for anxiety, sleep, and depression. Open your books to page 300 and have the potion finished by the end of class." Slughorn said.
    Everyone opened their books.
    "Just let me do the work, I dont want you to screw everything up." Severus said, grabbing the moonstone.
    "I'll screw you." He countered with. Sirius chuckled from the seat in front of them while Remus, his partner, just sighed.
    "Always the slut potter. Take me out for dinner first." Severus said. Most people around them had figured out what was going on, and were quietly laughing.
    Severus took the moonstone which was now crushed into a powder amd started slowly pouring it into the water while mixing it.
    "Here, make yourself useful. Grind the lavender petals into a power then mix the vanilla into it." Severus said, handing James the ingredients.
    "It doesnt call for lavender or vanilla in the book." James said, clearly annoyed.
    "Scents are calming. The lavender is for the calming smell when you drink the potion, and the vanilla is so that it will taste soothing as well." He said as he grabbed another ingredient.
    "Oh, ok. As long as It doesnt mess us up." James said and started grinding the petals.
    The two went about class, occasionally making dirty comments to irritate the other. By the time they were done there potions was a very light purple with am iridescent sheen to it. Everyone elses who succeeded were clear.
    "Uh, everyone elses is clear." James said.
    "Just trust me?" Severus said.
    Slughorn came around to everyone one, testing all the potions. He did however flinch after each one though.
    "Ugh, you'd think something meant to enduce calmness and leave would taste better." James heard him mumble to himself.
    When he came to James's ans severus's cauldron he looked weary for a moment.
    "Purple?" He asked. A few students chuckled at the "failed" potion.
    "Yes. We added lavender to improve the smell amd vanilla to improve the taste." Severus said. Slughorn perked up at this and filled up a vile with the light purple substance.
    He drank it and became visibly more calm.
    "Wow, I'm impressed. The vanilla made it so much more bearable." He said, then moved on.
    "You really know your stuff." James said.
    "I am this grades potion master after all." He said. Slughorn enjoyed giving one student every year the title potion master.
    "You may be the potions master, but I'm your master." He said, with a dorky looking wink at the end.
    "What happened to me saying your name potter?~"  Severus said, with emphasis on the "potter".
    "That's only when were not in bed." James said with a smirk.
    "Like I said potter, you need to but me dinner first." Severus said.
    "I can be the dinner if you want me to.~" He said. Everyone including slughorm was listening now, even though they were pretending not too.
    "No, your the dessert." He countered with. Ok, I was not expecting this from snivelus. All four marauders thought to themselves.
    James decided to except defeat for now, as he couldnt come up with anything to counter with.
    Only moments later potions was over, and everyone gathered their things and left, some students taking some of Severus's draught of peace for there anxiety amd insomnia, as he let everyone do that.
    Severus was about to go to the library when he heard foot steps behind him.
    "I know your there Potter." He said.
    "You always know when I'm around dont you." He said. Severus stayed turned around.
    "Well yes, after years of you tormenting me I've come to know when your in my presence." Severus said sourly.
    "Well maybe it's time I 'torment' you  in a different way.~" James was right behind Seveus now, his hand lightly touched Snapes neck.
    "In a different, more, pleasurable way.~" He whispered, moving even closer to Severus, his chest almost touching the boys back.
    As much as he hated it, Severus's breathing hitched and he felt pink start to tint his cheeks. He could feel hes legs almost started to give out.
    And to James's suprise, he enjoyed seeing Severus like that. It was his usual vulnerable look. He wanted to experiment, see how far Severus would let him take this.
    He leaned closer into the shorter boys neck, then started kissing him there. Severus became even more tense than he was before.
    James turned him around and looked him in his dark brown eyes. They were filled with confusion, but also a hint of lust.
    James started to take small steps even closer. Severus, not knowing what to do, backed up into a wall. James grabbed Severus's wrist amd pinned then to the wall, his leg between the smaller boys.
    Severus's eyes were closed shut, and he was facing away from James.
    "Look at me~" James whispered to him.
    Severus felt his knees cave in a bit, but refused to open his eyes. James took this as a challenge and licked the slytherins neck.
    Severus shivered, earning a grin from James.
    "Severus~ look at me~" James said again. Severus, being stubborn, kept his eyes shut.
    James smiled a sadistic smirk then licked the now weak boy. Another round of shivers went through Severus's body as the gryffindor licked his neck, looking for his weak point.
    Eventually, he found it. Once he licked it Severus let out a muffled moan.
    "Found it~" James said, barely audible. He started kissing that spot, listening to the hums and soft moans coming from the small boys mouth.
    After what seemed like hours of just kissing there, he bit down, causing Severus to let out a loud moan.
    James pulled away for a moment to look at the boy in front of him. He was breathing heavily and his face was tinted red. He had hickies starting to form on his neck. He knees were visibly wobbly.
    Severus slightly opened one eye to look at the boy pinning him to the wall.
    When James saw the look is his eyes he couldnt take it anymore. He quickly leaned back into Severus's neck, kissing, biting and licking his soft spot.
    Moans and hums kept escaping his mouth, making James only want to continue. He took ome hand off The boys wrist and ran it through his hair.
    It was not NEARLY as greasy as it looked. It was actually soft, and kind of silky.
    He felt Severus give a weak struggle, not because he wanted to be out of his grip, but because he wanted to provoke James.
    James knew what he was doing right away, and grabbed his wrist again. He pinned both his arms above his head with one hand and pressed his body against Severus, a soft moan escaping his mouth.
    James stopped for a second again, pulling away slightly to admire the vulnerable boy in front of him.
    His eyes were pressed shut again, preparing for whatever James was planning on doing next.
    Instead, he simply let go.
    "I'm not done with you." He whispered in Severus's ear, than waked off, leaving him shocked and confused.

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