Chapter 2

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'Nat!' Linda's voice rang through the restroom. 'Natalia Sheffield, where are you? Mr. Howard is looking for you!!'  

Natalia looked at her reflection. Her brown eyes seemed so large on her pale face. It felt as though her worst nightmare was coming true. She was not sure how long she had been in the restroom but she knew that she had to get out at some time, even though hiding was what she wanted to do, it was not a choice for her now. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the door and opened it.  

'There you are!' Linda frowned as she looked at her. 'What's wrong?'  

Natalia shook her head, 'I just wasn't feeling too good. Probably the shrimp. What has been happening?'  

Linda did not look convinced, but taking in the tense set of Natalia's shoulders she opted not to ask her, 'Well, everyone was waiting for you. Mr Howard wanted to introduce you to Mr Ryan. Such a hunk, he is! I can't believe your luck!'  

If only that was the case, Natalia thought as she followed her friend into the crowded room, all the time giving herself a pep talk. It has been three years, the young naive Natalia he once knew was gone. Besides, this was going to be strictly business. After all, what woman would want to be with a womanizing man like Christian Ryan? No day went by without seeing his picture on the magazines covers and newspapers with different women in his arms. Squaring her shoulders she made her way to where her former boss and her new boss were standing.  

'I am sorry, Mr Howard,' she apologized in a firm voice as she stopped in front of him. 'I got a little indisposed.' She placed a well practiced smile on her face. 

'Aaah, Natalia,' Gibson beamed. 'I had thought now that I am no longer your boss you would start using my name, but I see that is never going to happen.' Sighing, he turned his gaze to Christian. 'One of my best assets, Natalia Sheffield.'  

Natalia followed Gibson's gaze to the silver eyes that were regarding her. She could not read his expression and decided two can play that game. Holding her hand out, 'How do you do, sir?' She was thankful her voice did not waiver.  

For a few seconds it seemed that Christian was not going to take her outstretched hand. When she was about to lower it, it was clasped firmly in the larger hands. Natalia fought her body not to give out any reaction to the touch.  

'Miss Sheffield, we meet again,' he drawled arrogantly.  

Gibson frowned at the comment, 'you two know each other?'  

Natalia reclaimed her hand and turned to Gibson, her practiced smile still in place, 'it was in another lifetime, Mr Howard. It seems that we have, Mr Ryan. I believe I will be your temp assistant until you find a replace for me?'  

'Replacement?' Christian asked. 'I was made to believe that none of the current employees will be moving. You do not think you can work with me, Miss Sheffield?'  

'Not at all, Mr Ryan,' she shook her head. 'On the contrary, it is you that might not want to work with me.'  

Christian stared down at her, 'with all the praise I have heard from Gibson, I will be a fool to let go of such an asset.'  

Natalia turned to Gibson and smiled, a real smile to a person that meant a lot to her, 'he tends to have a biased opinion where I am concerned.' 

Christian could not believe his ears when he heard the name Gibson called out. He scanned the room to glimpse at the woman being called but no one walked forward. Natalia Sheffield. He had not heard that name for the past three years. He had been eager to see her, just to know if she was the same girl from before.  

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