l4tul4 (th4tz m3! h4h4!) and 3qu1us!

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dressed like you! centaursTesticle [CT] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~

Latula [LATULA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~

CT: D --> Oh

LATULA: w3ll, th1s 1s 1nt3r3st1ng!

CT: D --> Umm, hello Latula

CT: D --> Hehehe...

LATULA: sup l1l horuss?!

LATULA: h4h4~!

CT: D --> Oh. Umm, nothing

CT: D --> Yes, nothing

LATULA: w3ll th4t soundz h3llz bor1ng!!

CT: D --> Yes. It has been quite boring. But now it is not quite as boring

LATULA: so, 4ny r34son your3 dr3ss3d l1k3 my r4dn3ss?

CT: D --> Well.... N-no. Not in particular

LATULA: hm..

LATULA: w3ll you look h3ll4 r4d, bro!!

CT: D --> *nervously smiles*

CT: D --> Thank you Latula

CT: D --> I'm glad to hear

LATULA: no probz!!

CT: D --> You 100k rad as well

CT: D --> If I might add that

LATULA: h3llz y34h!!

CT: D --> Yes. So what have you've been up to, Latula

LATULA: just th3 usu4l, r4d sk4t3bo4rd1ng tobth3 m4x! >8D

LATULA: to th3*

CT: D --> %cellent. That sounds nice

LATULA: 1ts h3ll4 4w3som3!

CT: D --> Yes of course it is Latula

LATULA: w3ll 1 gott4 g3t go1n, so s33 you 4round~!

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