You !

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I'm welcomed back on this story which I lastly updated in June.
Sorry for the wait though... But know that I'm not going to give up on writing. NO MATTER WHAT LIFE MAY BRING!!!

I want to give this story a unique fresh feel, nothing like pressure or jammed up characters and scenes.. I'm sure my readers will love the fresh feel as it will focus on one character at a time so you'll get a whole new reading experience. That's my purpose!

So, My lovely readers... You should by now get a clear view on our main characters' personalities... But there will be more surprises as the story progresses.

Elise is your carefree, no nonsense, naïve, bubbly sweet girl...

"Stubborn lover" continues...


"You're Elise Zoe right?"

"Yeah! The one and only"

"So Miss Elise your roommate is Vince McCoy"

I hated the name already.

"Last floor on my left room 100... Last floor left room 100" I keep muttering the direction to myself taking a mental note not to forget else I'll be reported missing on my first day which will be a huge embarrassment.

I am not ready to be embarrassed ever!

Yet my nerves are already getting the best of me right now even as I stand in the elevator and press on 100.
What do you expect when a twenty year old girl with five sisters from a countryside from miles away is going to spend one full year of her life with a total stranger who happens to be A FULL BLOODED MALE !

I'm wondering what Eliza, Elle, Elena, Elsa and Ella will say and do to me now if they should receive news of my present predicament in the village... Elle is the worst of all my sisters...her teasing is capable of making someone commit murder and suicide respectively.

"Dear Lord, see me through successfully... At least let him be gay or make him impotent Amen" I say my little heartfelt prayer after walking out from the elevator and approaching towards my room.

Struggling with my luggage in hand and bag pack across my shoulders... My nerves have already given me a sweaty palms so its just slippery and hard in my grip.

"Do you need a hand?" I heard a voice from behind me

I turn to give him a look..
"Sure, please do I'm damn tired...whew! " I get into my damsel in distress act for my Knight shinning armour...

He helps me with my luggage and bag pack so I am holding practically nothing but in full admiration for this tall black American handsome dude who looks like Boris Cudjoe

"I can see that"

"Thanks" I say whiles showing him the way to my room

We walk side by side

He seems like the calm type so I will do the talking

"You're also a scholar?"

"Yup" he replies

"Me too...I'm Elise..."

"Zoe...Elise Zoe right?" He interrupted to my utmost surprise

Blinking my eyes repeatedly and giving him a look "Wow, how did you know me, my name?" I question him

"Well, coz my dad owns this place and we've gone through each student's credentials and transcript. Yours was rather a fascinating one to me so I couldn't miss it when I saw you arguing with our hostel manager at the hallway"

Dude is sweetly creepy.

" saw that?!"

"Mmh hmmn" he nods his head

"Then I must be quiet popular without my knowledge" I said and he smiles

"But don't you think its rather unfair on my part but I guess there's nothing I can do about it now or is there?"

"Well, unless you want to be in the same room with me since I stay alone in the hostel's suite which is extremely spacious"

Is this dude hitting on me?

"Umm I think its still the same thing to me, I'm practically trying to avoid the male aspect"

"Sexist or feminist or lesbian?" He asks

"None of the above" I answered

"I think we're 100" he snaps me back into a reality which I dread so much.

Such a short distance... He should have at least be hesitant

"Thank you so much for the assistance...sorry, I didn't get your name though"

"You didn't's Jeffrey" he answers after scolding me

I smile at him

"So I guess I'll see you around Jeffrey"

"Yeah sure. Hope you have your keys"

I search my pocket to fish them out.

Waving it at him

"Here..thanks once again"

Inserting my keys to unlock the door. It seems its been locked from the inside and the culprit has not taken the keys out

"What the fffddssskk..." I murmur in frustration and knock on the door repeatedly

"Is there any problem?" I hear Jeffery's voice approaching

It seems he was lingering around

"Does the dude inside there think he owns the room alone or what?" I point to the door "it's locked on the inside and he's supposed to be expecting a roommate since we all came from one bus"

Why am I mad right now
1. He's a male roommate
2. I'm stuck outside

This time I'm going to bang on it if he doesn't want to have a female as a roommate because his girlfriend go nuts or something...I also hate the idea of knowing that he's already in there!

"Calm down" he says as he takes the keys from me to insert it into the lock just as he was about to turn it to unlock

This time it magically opens with a known face popping in view shirtless with a tracksuit down

"Sorry, I was just having a brief shower and since its co-ed...I wasn't expecting my roommate catching me unawares whiles naked so" as usual his condescending speech always strikes my nerve and I feel like strangling someone to death. He says whiles speaking to Jeffery unbeknownst to him that I was standing right beside him

Giving him a death glare in fuming rage the moment he turns to look at me awkwardly

"YOU?!" We both said in unison.

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