Twelve: Whirlwind wake

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The smell of ozone clung to the fog-thick air, the awakening of an approaching tempest. An icy chill seeped into the duo's bones as it started to drizzle, the moisture clinging to their cold-bitten faces.

The expression on Keir's face was a storm, unreadable and unpredictable, but he kept silent. Raziel took it as an indication to go on.

"But before that..." the swindler's bearing shifted, "...I need to know who exactly you are."

Keir's heart stopped, he froze - but not from the cold. He shunned his emotions.

"So... the Cassiopeia really went that far?", a careful question.

"How would I know? And far as I may, or not, know, my trust in you is based on nothing but a hunch," the swindler bowed his head musingly as he added, "absurd and witless, I know."

Keir pursed his lips at the monotone answer, something felt off, "Then how did you know to find me?"

Raziel's clipped reply disclosed none of the information Keir hoped for, "I have my sources."

Was that so now..?

"What is it you really have to say?"

"The girl the Cassiopeia's hunting, who's rumored to be her child. She's capable of swaying any person to her will, with or without their notice, I remember the rare joined lessons and missions we were sent on as children, even then, she had the skill and prowess of an experienced adult," Keir scrutinized his every word, yet they'd all rang true, "All I had done on those missions was watch as her mastery won over and took care of even the most horrifyingly tight situations - she'd weave a web so inescapable that every victim either fell unknowingly or had no other choice."

"What is your point."

Raziel didn't even flinch at the blunt words, "If you believe your alliance is the solution, proceed. But from what I've heard from your conversation just now, all I have left to warn you of is not to toy with her."

It didn't take any scepticism to discern the unspoken words Raziel had left out - or it'll be you who falls prey in the end.

The statement caught Keir for a moment, the swindler had been known for his deadly, precisely mind bending words and skills throughout the entire organization. But then he regained his bearing - Raziel's memory couldn't be relied on.

He turned away, facing the fogged blur of Vethernbel, and said with his back to the male, "Just get away from this place while you still can. Go far, some land beyond the knowledge of the Shadow Wraiths. And don't come back."

There was no reply.

Without another word, Keir tossed a sleek black pouch at the brooding swindler, "The aluminium cheat cards are inside, you'll know to use them better, as well a letter containing the information you'll need," he calculated his next words, "... and I hope you'd be wise not to get caught a third time."

And that was that.

The light bite of the floating drizzles gave way to battering waves of downpour, the bitter-cold water seeping through the fabric of the brooding assassin's hood brought back memories just as piercing. But Keir didn't move.

He didn't look back as the sounds of Raziel's sloshing footsteps faded away, drowned amidst the swelling rainfall engulfing everything exposed below the rumbling storm clouds.

Knowing the runaway, Keir could only anticipate his next moves - and wished for them to remain uninvolved with the Cassiopeia's advancing plans.

A white-hot headache speared through his head, magnified by the ice seeping into his veins. He tasted a metallic tang on his tongue, in the air.

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