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Fridge started to explain the dangers of the jungle.

"Um... Fridge. I think you should be careful with the snake above you." I said as the snake came fast and killed him in one bite. 

Fridge soon fell down after his first life was down.

"Hey look! It is Nigel. Come on! Let's go!"

They group ran to where the plane came to a stop for them to get in.

"Welcome to Jumanji! Well, don't just stand there. Hop in! Strap in. There's no time to spare."

Everyone entered the plane.

"Dr. Bravestone, famed archaeologist and international explorer, I'm so glad you've returned. I've been so anxious for your arrival."

"You talking to me?"


"Once again, Jumanji is in great peril, and only you can help."

"Nigel, we are looking for our friend-"

"Spencer would be found somewhere on the journey. Don't worry about it."

"Ruby Roundhouse, killer of men, welcome to Jumanji."

"What's with this fella?"

"My dearest Mouse, surely you remember me. Nigel Billingsly at your service."

"Hey. Nigel, I thought that was you."

"He's a- Uh, what is it called?"

"NPC, a non-player character."

"He's not a real person."

"He only has a limited number of things he can say."

"Mm, my friend Carl is just like that."

"What about the jaguar boy? He can be talked to us like normal."

"I am a special case where I don't act like a normal "programmed" character in the game. However, sometimes I have some trouble knowing what is real or not since the crack." M/n said as he glitched out of the plane.

"When is the next stop?"

"Perhaps you should read the letter I sent you, Dr. Bravestone. Perhaps you should read it aloud."

Eddie was confused about the letter.

"We're going to die."

"We did die."

"Are we in hell?"

"I knew it."

Later, the letter was found and read out loud with a cut scene. 

"You must recover the jewel from Jurgen the Brutal and show it to the sun. He's making his way north across the desert now."

"Jurgen the Brutal. Is that Barbara's boy?"

"And remember, the goal is to recover the loot. To wrest it from the hands of the brute. And if you wish to leave the game, you must save Jumanji and call out its name."

"Excuse me. Who is Jumanji?"

"Well, if I was listening correctly, that is the jaguar boy mother."

"Here's your map. Find an oasis and follow the fame to the desert fruit. I can't land here so you're going to have to drop in. I'll get as low as I can. Get ready. Good lucky. The future of Jumanji is in your hands. And go!" Nigel said as the others were complaining before leaving through the open door of the plane. 

M/n jumped off the plane perfectly from the wings to the sand. 

"Where the heck is the jungle?"

"The jungle is that way. You are now in the Dunes."

"How is a jaguar supposed to be living in a desert?"

"Well you see, it is possible for a jaguar to live in a desert. The are natural predators and are carnivores. In a desert, jaguars would usually live near a body of water where there are fish to eat. Easy enough to fish with the use of their tail. Are we still in the United States?"


The group started walking until they know where to go.

"So, what part of the New Hampshire is this exactly?"

"We're not in New Hampshire, Milo."

"That's right. Exactly. Not New Hampshire. You're starting to get it now?"

"Nope. I don't have the foggiest clue what's going on here."

"That guy kept calling me Dr. Braverman, which is the name of my orthopedist. I'm thinking I just had another hip surgery and now I'm coming out of it."

"What is an orthopedist?"

"I promise you that you don't want to meet one. But basically an orthopedist is a doctor that specializes in surgery to help with pain in the bones and joints like the hips."

The group were found a bunch of vehicles. 

They explored the area.

"Ed, you okay?"

"Would you look at me? I'm back. I haven't looked like this since-"

"Never. You looked like this never."

"What? When I was younger, I was in great shape."

"I remember you when you were younger, and... this is not what you looked like."

"I think my eyes are a different color."

"All of you is a different color."

"So you people look different in your world? What was it like in your youth?"

"It was great being young. Don't ever trust anyone who says that getting old is great. It isn't."

"Oh, that's an ostrich."

"Oh no."

"Yes indeed. That is an ostrich. The ostrich is a flightless bird, one of 60 species. You got the penguin, you got the emu, and you got the kiwi. Heh, heh, funny thing is, I don't remember knowing--"

"You're a zoologist!"

"Well, another thing is, they can run up to 45 miles per hour, which makes them the world's fastest two-legged animal. Did you know that? Fascinating. What a magnificent creature."

"Cool they can travel in herds and attack when threaten! Please Eddie, don't get to close to the ostrich. Too late... I will be starting a vehicle to drive, anyone is welcome to get their own vehicle."

Eddie was killed by the ostrich which was now running away to its herd.

Eddie soon dropped from the sky and Martha and Fridge tried to explain quickly as they could again with Eddie and Milo about the game.

"We got to get out of here." Eddie said as a herd of ostriches were running towards them.

"We're going to make it."

"No we're not."

"Are you crazy?"

"Okay, we're not going to make it." Eddie said as they crashed the vehicle.

"Yay! You guys made it."

"How are you able to get here before us? Do you even have a driver's license?"

"What is a license to need for driving? The vehicles seem simple enough to drive. I just use the incline ramp of that rock to get to this side of the canyon."

The ostriches went away from the cliff after some thinking.

Jumanji Innocent JaguarWhere stories live. Discover now