Dracul's Arrival

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The compartments along the train were filled with life as children ran and played with their Exploding Snaps and swapped Wizard Cards. Everyone was having fun, that as except for Hadrian Tepes.

Hadrian sat in a compartment by himself while Venom laid beside him, his tongue sticking out occasionally, sensing children around. Hadrian pet Venom along his head and neck. He stared out the window, thinking about how interesting everything will be once they arrive at Hogwarts. He pulled out a cigarette from his coat and put it to his mouth before using his fingernails to create a spark. Lighting up the cigarette and inhaling some smoke before releasing a breath, letting the smoke escape.

He had the window open so the smoke escaped outside. He was pulled out of his musings by a timid voice. "Excuse me? Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." Hadrian turned his head to see a boy with red hair and freckles. Hadrian nodded before looking back at the window. Ron sat down on the chair in front of Hadrian and introduced himself "I'm Ron. Ron Weasley."

Hadrian pulled the cigarette from his mouth "I'm Hadrian Tepes." Before placing it back between his lips. Ron looked at him questioningly "What is that in your mouth?" Hadrian pulled the cigarette away again "This is a fag. Or a cigarette." Ron tilted his head "What does it do?"

Hadrian took a drag of the cigarette and blew the smoke out. "It's essentially a stick of tobacco you light up and the chemicals enter your lungs. However, it causes lung cancer and can kill you."

Ron was horrified "Why are you even smoking it!? If it could kill you, why do it?"

Hadrian smirked and looked at Ron with his blood red eyes "Simple. I'm already dead."

Ron was confused but decided not to pry as he looked at Venom "Is that your pet?"

Hadrian looked at Venom and scratched his chin gently "Indeed. His name is Venom." Ron looked at the lizard "I've never seen that type of lizard before. What is he?" Hadrian answered "He's a Komodo Dragon."

Ron's eyes went wide "An actual dragon!?" Hadrian released a growling sigh "No, you idiot. It's what the Muggles call this species. He doesn't spew fire like a normal dragon. Instead, he bites his prey and the bacteria in his saliva enters the bite and will wait as his prey slowly becomes sick. So sick it dies and the lizard will come in to eat the sickened corpse." Ron was horrified and slowly slicked into the corner of his seat. Venom raised his head, as if in pride as he slicked his forked tongue.

Hadrian dropped all conversations with Ron after that and simply kept smoking and petting his Komodo Dragon.

It was quiet until the girl Hadrian noticed from Diagon Alley approached their compartment "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost his." Hadrian answered "I haven't."

That was when Hermione noticed the lizard and recognized it. She paled as her eyes went wide and she asked with a shaky voice "Is... Is that a Komodo Dragon?" Hadrian cocked his eyebrow as he looked at Hermione "Indeed. His name is Venom."

Hermione asked again "How did you bring him here? You're only supposed to bring an owl, a cat, or toad." Hadrian smirked "I think you'll find with me, I'm capable of having exceptions." Hermione gulped before quickly running down the corridor.

Hadrian simply chuckled as he took another drag of his cigarette "I'm surprised she didn't chastise me for the cigarette." The rest of the train ride ended in silence with the occasional burning paper and smoky breath.


It was night as the train came to a stop at the stony station. Hadrian along with Venom walked out, making several new students and even some of the older students look at the lizard with interest or question. Hadrian watched as the half-giant known as Hagrid lead them into boats. Hadrian stepped into his boat with Venom at the front and hesitantly Ron, along with Neville and Seamus.

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