Taken by the Devil

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Pairing: Sebastian/Rachel/Hunter

-Rachel hasn't graduated.

I only posted this because some people wanted me to. I hope you enjoy it and leave some reviews. Thank You. By the way, I own nothing.

Rachel Barbara Berry was nervous. Because she, Blaine and Sam were going to Dalton to get the trophy back, that was so cruelly stolen by the Warblers. Because no one was going to get away with that. No one. Not when Rachel had something to say about it. After all, she had won the trophy in a honorable way and she would not let the matter slide that someone was taking away her price and fame. The Wablers were going to be in for a surprise.

She checked her Catwoman costume a second time, put on her mask and nodded to Sam and Blaine. They both nodded back and gave a hand gesture to lead the way.

The 3 superheroes were making their way slowly to Dalton. One long rope consisting of many sheets was brought with them. After some steps they were finally standing under the big balcony on the south side of the private school.

After a second nod from Rachel, Sam began to look around, making sure no one was there to see them. He put one small hoe at the end of the rope and threaw it high up the balcony where it got entangled after the first try. Taking a deep breath, Rachel began to slowly walk to the rope and locked over her shoulder. "Sam, stay here. Blaine follow me." She said and took the end of the sheets in her hands and climbed. Blaine was following her after some seconds. Finally, Rachel reached the edge of the balcony and could climb over the railing and get a step closer to her goal.

One glance down in the direction of Sam, Rachel put one finger up, showing him that all was ok and that they had arrived savely. He meamed the same gesture back. Rachel locked around some more after that and found the door of the balcony. She creeped over there and tried the handle. With a bit of a surprised tone she said "We are really lucky today." and opened the door. One look thrown over her shoulder she saw Blaine coming up behind her with carefule steps. She gestured him with her hand to stay still and went quietly into the room.

She looked around and saw that nobody was there which lead to her giving Blaine a little wink and him following Rachel inside the room. Both steped very quietly up to the big glass cabinet with the trophy inside. She gave Blaine one look and he took one speacial key out of his bag, that he stole after some drinking games from his old friend Nik, and gave the key to Rachel. She thanked him silently and put the key in the keyhole of the door. She opened the glass cabinet with caution and gave a long sigh. The talented singer took the trophy out of the cabinet and gave it to Blaine. At first ignoring the offensive computer.

One nod in his direction and both of them where making their way slowly, while carrying the heavy trophy, to the balcony door. At this moment, Rachel got an idea and she whisperd. "Blaine, the computer!" Blaine looked scared and was shacking his head to show that her idea was bad. But Rachel woudn't listen to him and went some steps back to get the computer. But then IT happened.

Rachel was for one small moment not aware of her surroundings, tripped over her own feet, and hit an expensive looking vase. The vase hit the ground and shattered. The noise from the shattering of porcelaine could be heard in the room and some seconds later you could hear running foot steps. "Blaine. RUN!", shouted Rachel and Blaine looked at her with panic in his eyes, but he did what she told him and ran with the trophy to the balcony. Rachel meanwhile stood up and looked to the doors where she could hear the approaching footsteps. With a loud crash was one door smashed open.

After a minute of shock, Rachel dashed to the balcony and the 'rope-thing'. She wanted to climb down like Blaine some seconds ago, but she was caught by someone around the waist. "Rachel!", she heard Blaine and Sam yelling from below. However, she only cried „Run!" and tried to wrestle out of the grip from the one who had her in his clutch.

Taken by the Devil (Glee Sebastian/Rachel/Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now