| Cobalt Violet |

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See, Changbin never agreed to this. Seungmin just threw him under the damn bus. He told himself that he'd avoid Felix—for both of their sakes. He'd set aside his childish expectations and respect the younger's privacy. But now Seungmin got in between and Changbin sure as hell know that he's up to something—nothing good.

And to make matters worse, he and Chan practically have an unspoken hostility between them? How? Why? When?? How the fuck was Changbin supposed to know?! That man just radiated bad vibes. One second, Changbin would admire the sunshine that Lee Felix was, before seeing the thundercloud that glared and sulked right behind him.

He can't believe an Australian gremlin such as him could be best friends with Lee Felix—but then again, he shouldn't be the one talking. He was friends with Seungmin, after all.

But still! It was awkward enough going to Itaewon with Felix alone. But now, it's him, plus an overprotective guard dog.

Fate kicked his ass for this one. Changbin might as well try to make the best of it. Besides, Lee Felix was with him. Hanging around Lee Felix was pleasant enough to block out the troll following them.

If only that said troll was lenient.

After requesting an off day (which Seungmin gratefully helped him convince their supervisor for), Changbin picked the two Australians up from their home. They lived surprisingly close to Changbin, about five kilometers away. However, despite it being cold as hell early in the morning, it didn't stop Chan from opening the door, face already scrunched into a grimace. Changbin tried to look nice, he really did. Even smiled and bowed respectfully to the older. But it was hard to be nice when you're met with disrespect, 25/8.

"Hey," Changbin laughs awkwardly, waving half-heartedly. The dark-haired Australian deadpans, still blocking the entrance with a half-assed greeting. He shifts to his other foot, Changbin nodding, and—for a second he thought the Australian would let him in. Until Chan closed the door on him. Luckily, Felix saw him from behind Chan's shoulder, calling out to him with a bright smile and a bow. Changbin heard Felix struggle with Chan behind the door, something thump against the wall before the older groans out in pain and Felix opened the door for Changbin with a smile.

And when Changbin walked by Chan (who presumably accidentally kicked the wall by the way he jumped on one foot) and into the warm comfort of their home, he couldn't help the smug smile that spread on his face, eyes squinting into crescent moons and lips into a cheeky smile.

And that scoff—that simmering pettiness bubbling within the older Australian provided enough warmth for Changbin to completely forget the cold. Call him cruel, but he was enjoying the older's sulking a lot more than he should've.

"It's good to see you! I'll be quick, then we can go," Felix says, bolting off to some recess of Chan's house. Clearing his throat, Changbin wrings his fingers together, tilting back and forth between his heels and his toes, Chan standing in front of him with crossed arms.

This seemed oddly familiar. Was he a high schooler picking up his date for prom? Being left alone with a stone-cold father trying to test a socially awkward boy who he probably wouldn't ever see after high school. But Chan was more than that. He didn't seem like a hardened father just trying to look out for their kid.

He seemed like a stuck-up bitch, that's what.

"Okay! I'm here! Sorry for taking so long!" Felix bounds to the two, wrapping a scarf around Chan's neck and handing a coat to the older. Though, as he glanced at Changbin, he couldn't help his heart break into a brisk jog around his ribcage. He's calmed his incessant emotions, but he hated how his heart undermines his brain.

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