(Y/N) is a girl who hides her pain through a smile, and reading. (Y/N) has never been happy until she meets Todoroki and they become friends. Will they catch feelings for Each other? Will a certain girl get in the way? Will they both find happiness...
Key (Y/N)- your name (L/N)-last name (H/C)- hair color (E/C)- eye color (F/C)- favorite color (F/H/S)- favorite hair style (Y/B/D)- your birthday A/n- authors note S/C- skin color
Y/N POV A tear escapes my eye as I think of it but then. "Hey" I get startled and look up to see the same guy from class, the one with cool hair, I look into his eyes to see a teal one and a gray one, and wow they were pretty. "H-Hey" I say dammit I stuttered but I was wondering why he was here. "Can I sit?" He asked "N-No" I stuttered again the frick, he sits down and I ask " why are you out here and not with the others?" He looks over at me then back to his food and says "it's crowded" I look at him about to say something then he says " and the cherry blossoms are very pretty" I could barley hear him but I knew what he said and responded with "yeah they are." It get awkward so I speak up " so what's your name" I ask "Todoroki, you?" He asks "Y/N" I respond smiling he then asked a question " what's your quirk?" He asked "ice wizard" I say and continue " I can basically make anything out of ice and make snow" you say. A/N ( like Gray fullbuster ) "What's your quirk?" You ask Todoroki " half hot half cold" I was about to say something else but then RING!!!!!! The bell rang and we went back to class. While I was reading my book I heard someone say " I have come through the door like normal!!!" I put my book up then look up to see All Might! The All Might omg omg act cool act cool!!! He explained to us about the battle training we are going to do. " And for that you'll need these" he said we all look to see are hero costumes!!! I get excited and so does most of the class. "After you change come out in ranking order to ground beta" says all might, I got my costume and change away from the others so they don't see my scars. Your hero costume
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A/N ( yes I know it's Juvia's but deal with it I think it's cute) Deku came out and his costume low key gives me All Might vibes. I walk over to him " Nice costume" I say to him " thanks! You to Y/N" he says smiling then Uraraka comes over and Deku gets all flustered I walk over to Uraraka and whisper "y'all would look cute together" and walk away to hear her yell " NO Y/N WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!!!" 'Yeah just friends that are super in love'I say in my head. All Might explained everything and everyone got a partner and my partner was..... MINETA ughhhhh. When it's are turn we are up against Kirishima and Sero, cool! If Mineta is gonna be any help I need a plan. As we enter the building I explain the plan to Mineta. Which of course he's looking at my boobs but finally agrees. We get to where the 'villains' are and both enter why? Well you'll see. " ICE MAKE ICE ARROWS" I yell and start to shoot them and they both come at me but then Sero quickly goes back to the 'weapon' leaving Kirishima and me, while Kirishima was blocking the arrows with his quirk Mineta used some of his purple ball things and put them on the floor shorty after I lead Kirishima to where the balls are located and he gets caught! Yes now Sero. Mineta tried running towards Sero but Sero shot his tape and caught Mineta ugh why is Mineta so stupid!!! I just quickly freeze the ground making him slip and fall and try to run towards the 'weapon' and Sero starts shooting his tape at me " ICE MAKE SHIELD" I say my ice makes a shield and I block his tape and quickly get the 'weapon' in the end me and Mineta won!!! Time skip Long story short Todoroki and his partner won easily, and Deku had a huge fight against Bakugo he got pretty injured, I wanted to go check up on him but Uraraka went and I wanted them to have there alone time. So I decided to go up to Todoroki and tried to start a conversation "hey good job" I say to him he looks at me but then says "you to" I smile at him he then asked me something. 3rd person POV Todoroki looked at the H/C haired girl and said "wanna be my partner" the girl turned into a blushing mess and started hitting him saying " we just met you can't ask out a girl you just met Baka!!!" Todoroki was confused but then realized "oh no I mean training partners" he said, "w-whatever sure" said the H/C haired girl. "Give me your number" says Todoroki, "so this was a way to get my number!!!!" Yelled the girl "No No No I mean so I can text you about when we can meet up for training" Todoroki says "okay then here" she gives him her phone and he does the same they exchanged numbers and went back to class. ??? POV I stare as Todoroki talks with that bitch and did they just exchange numbers!!!! I mean I know I barley know Todoroki but I feel like it's true love she won't get in the way! As for Todoroki he'll be mine soon. Time Skip (Y/N POV) It's the end of the day and I was about to walk home until I saw Todoroki I ran to him and jumped on his back. Todoroki POV I feel something jump on my back I get startled and see S/C and already knew it was Y/N. Hm she's different I don't know how but I feel like she could make me happy maybe not tho, "yes?" I asked her "are we friends?!" She asked I didn't wanna say no but I don't want friends right now but maybe one won't hurt right? "Sure now get off" she does as I say and says "thank you Todoroki!" With a smile this smile of hers looked real all her other smiles I've seen from her looked fake "bye Todoroki" she says "bye" I say." 'She's different' I think to myself. ??? POV I. Hate.Y/N. L/N. You. Will. Regret.this