Chapter 6. There there

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|~ Cheers to all my fellow wierdos,
      we make the world a better
- Quotes from Kat.

"And that's why we're here!" I joyously exclaimed after filling Cain in on everything about Damon and Chris.
"So you made a blind deal with Lucifer?" He asked, a brow raised.
"I didn't tell you that part!" I exclaimed in anger.
"Yeah and you didn't tell me either!" Karen exclaimed.
"You lost concentration when you were thinking about Beelzebub's shirtless hot self pinning you to the wall" he quoted my thoughts!.
"I didn't tell you that either. I'm going to learn how to block you when I'm not concentrating if it's the last thing I do!"
"And how, might I ask do you plan to do that?" Cain mocked.
"Well I don't know! but I'll do it"
"Aldron you say" Cain said, completely jumping out of fun, teasing mode to boring serious mode.
"Aldron is a very powerful dark dragon mage and is as sly as a fox. He manipulates people and thinks of them as mere puppets. He stops at nothing to achieve his goals, uncaring of whomever he may hurt in the process. If your brother and your friend are entangled in his plan then get them out of it or they'll simply be another collateral damage in the grand scheme of things"
"Bub says only Aldron can reverse the spell, how do we get him to do that?" I asked.
"There is always more than one way to do something Katrina. There is the hard way and there is the harder way, never simple, there is no simple way. No simple decision, every action has a reaction, every decision it's results. It all comes down to balance"
"O....k?" He sighed, clearly noticing I didn't understand a word of what he was saying. Honestly though it's like I'm in Ap physics.
"Magic is not supposed to exist in this world so using it here always has consequences. Something to balance whatever has been taken because magic always takes. When Aldron spelled your friend and your brother into thinking they're beloved to each other, someone in this world has lost their mate bond in turn" I gasped.
"That's awful!, won't they both go rogue?" I asked.
"Not if they rejected eachother before the bond could be established"
He stared at me as if waiting for me to realise something. When I kept staring at him he sighed. He was about to answer but Karen beat him to it.
"Sweetie the bond which was broken was yours and Logan's" she said. Ok I did not see that coming. I mean what are the odds that out of all the mate bonds on earth it was mine that broke. Well I did always have the worst luck.
"Well I don't think I'm supposed to cry but if you guys want me to I can" I said, perfectly serious.
"To break the spell that was placed on your brother you need to fix your bond with Logan Heart" Cain said.
"But isn't there another way, I really don't want to be bonded to him, he's an asshole" I whined.
"The mate bond is a complicated thing Katrina, mates and beloveds are meant to be but the gods could not take the free will of their subjects completely so the option of rejection was created. You can reject your mate or beloved but it still takes a while for the bond to completely disappear. If the bond establishes without the knowledge of the two people then they are forever bound. But you most definitely cannot take a mate from someone abruptly, weather or not the bond is established, right at this moment, if you do not find Logan he will do something really bad"
"What?" I honestly didn't understand anything Cain just said.
"Taking a mate from someone makes them feel like they're missing something, like there's this hole in their life that needs to be filled and they will stop at nothing to fill that hole. You may not feel it because you are not entirely supernatural but he feels it. He won't care who he hurts trying to fill that hole Katrina. You have to get to him and together, rekindle flames that never burned between you two before it's too late"
"You know Cain my name is Katrina, not Katarina, there's no a after the t, and you can just call me Kat"
"That is really all she got from all I have just said?" The question was directed at Karen.
"She just looks for ways to avoid her problems with words and dry humour" Karen said by way of an answer.
"Karen what about Damon's party? I think he's going to be a bit suspicious if I don't show for a party I'm supposedly throwing, I can't just run off to the mer kingdom!" I exclaimed.
"I can take care of that. In the meantime, we need someone to go with you and protect you. Mer people are a bit mean to strangers" Karen replied.
"While I would have adored accompanying you to visit my oldest enemies, I really have work to do here. I suggest you contact Beelzebub and ask him to accompany you instead" Cain said when I and Karen looked at him suggestively.
"How the hell do we call the devil?" I asked.
"He's kind of like bad luck, if you speak about him coming, he will" Cain gestured to the fire place which was now lit in the shape of Beelzebub's head.
"Hello Cain, long time no see" said the burning ball of head.
"Hello to you too Lucifer, how has hell been treating you?" now this would have been a normal conversation between friends catching up if it just wasn't. It was clear that the two ancients did not like each other.
"Oh it has been well but I feel a vacation is in order. I have some unfinished business on earth" there was underlying harshness in his tone that suggested that the unfinished business had something to do with Cain.
"Well when you do come, my castle gates are open to you anytime"
"You're only saying that because you know nothing can keep me out"
"Better to feel I invited you in than to feel helpless when you walk in like you own the place!"
"I'm all for this conversation right now but I have to know Bub, are you gonna go with me?" I interrupted their word exchange. They both glared at me and instead of shrinking back to hide behind Karen like I desperately wanted to do, I glare right back.
"Fine" Bub whined. Suddenly the flames increased dramatically and Bub walked out of it, dressed in black slacks and a black shirt which he folded to his elbows probably to outline his bulging muscles. His loafers were black and shiny. They were also probably more expensive than my house.
"Hello Karen, nice to see you again" Bub mocked. Suddenly Karen was Infront of him, repeatedly breaking his neck. She'd break and it'd fix itself immediately. I knew he could stop her but for some reason he didn't.
"Commander as much as I adore seeing you hurt Lucifer, I have to discuss something with you" Cain said. Karen sighed and moved away from him. I looked at her with a 'what the fuck' look and she shrugged with a satisfied smile as if to say ' meh, just a little vengeance is all ' . Bub cracked his neck from side to side, gave Karen a wicked smile that promised retribution and grabbed me. One second we were in Cain's study and the next we were standing beside Niagara falls. It was so beautiful, I had never actually seen it before.
"Are you like gonna try to do to me what Karen did to you because if you snap my neck once I'm really not gonna wake up" I half joked.
"No Kathryn, I can't afford to loose my deal" we were walking away from the monument and more into the surrounding woods.
"Speaking of the deal..." I trailed off.
"I'm not telling you what I'm going to ask of you Kathryn" he said.
"Come on Bub... I hate suspense" I whined.
"Me too, that's why I'm all knowing" I scoffed.
"What if I decide to back out of the deal?"
"Then I would have no use for you any longer and regardless of my son's wishes I will drown you slowly in these waters" he said it so calmly you'd think he's asking me to attend his dinner party.
"You wouldn't" and that's how I ended up hanging over the top of Niagara falls upsidedown screaming at the top of my voice, lungs straining, with Bub above me holding my legs.
"You are so loud. Shut up while I lower you to your death" Bub chided. I was lowered a few inches more and I screamed again.
"Let me down you asshole!" I screamed.
"One day your mouth will be the death of you"
"I know aaaah!" He had lowered me again.
"Well I really do want that deal so.." he dropped me, he let me go. I screamed but at the last minute I dropped on the ground. We never moved from where we were standing. It was an illusion. I jumped up and hit him everywhere I could. When it only seemed to be making him look bored I kicked him hard where the sun don't shine. Supernatural or not he was still a guy. He grabbed at his nuts and fell to his knees.
"Kathryn hell help me I will throw you into that water for real" he bit out, fire starting to surround him, making me move because of the heat and oh I don't know, deadly flames.
"That was so not funny, I can't swim!" I complained.
"Good to know"he said, finally seeming to have soothed his aching genitals.
"We're here" he said a few miles away from the place where he psychologically tortured me. We were in the middle of nowhere.
"Where's here?"
"Look closer Kathryn. You may not be a Vampire or a werewolf but your parents are, tap into that side and look" I took a deep breath with my eyes closed and then let it go and opened my eyes. I gasped in awe. There it was. We were standing Infront of the glass castle that housed the Zelda water tribe. It was magnificent. It wasn't quite as big as Cain's castle but it sure was just as beautiful, maybe even more. Its walls looked like they were constructed from sparkling, flowing water. Sun light reflected off it in different colours. There were surrounding houses that I assume are owned by the mer tribe that live here. They were like smaller less beautiful versions of the castle.
"Wow" I muttered.
"Yeah yeah, it's pretty now let's go in" we took just one step forward and we were suddenly surrounded by mer guards who were half in their human form with spikes poking out of their backs and scales covering their chests like armour.
"State your business" one of them ordered.
"We want to see Logan Heart" Bub said.
"He's otherwise occupied right now" the one who spoke first said.

Suddenly a throne crashed through the highest floor of the castle and was headed for me in alarming speed.  There was no way I could move in time. I closed my eyes but then I wasn't on the ground again. Bub had snatched me and was now holding me in his arms bridal style. I blushed.
"Thanks, you can put me down now" I quickly said. He dumped me.
"Rude" I muttered, knowing he could hear me. I rubbed my sore butt as I stood up.
"I know how to make your leader calm the hell down so let us in before I bring hell on you" Bub's eyes glowed red with a blazing fire even I haven't witnessed. I moved back in fear. The guards nodded and opened the large glass door. We walked in with me and the guards keeping a fearful distance from Bub, just in case.

It was wrecked, chaotic. We climbed all the way up to the highest floor and walked into a very spacious balcony. Hell it was bigger than my room. It was messed up too. There was broken glass and wood and even metal everywhere. And there in the middle of it all stood Logan, my mate.
"What!" he roared.
"Well go on" Bub encouraged.
"Um hi Logan. Remember me?, we've been in the same class since kindergarten. You stole my pencil that one time and you bullied me before Ash came. Hold on that's true why am I helping you when you hurt me?!" Bub glared at me and Logan looked even angrier.
"Seriously Kathryn" Bub deadpanned.
"What do you expect me to do?!" I asked. A piece of wood came flying toward me and I quickly ducked. Luckily it wasn't as fast as the chair.
"I don't know, hug him or something" Bub answered.
"Are you serious? He'll just throw me off the roof!"
"Well do something or I'll kill him" Bub threatened. I didn't feel any pain or fear when Bub threatened his life. Guess the bond really is broken. Plus I hate the ass.
I cautiously walked up to Logan who was too busy throwing things through the roof to notice me. Before I could talk myself out of it I hugged him. He froze for a second before quickly hugging me back like his life depends on me. I awkwardly patted his back.
"There there" I said.
"You never seize to amaze me" Bub said, throwing his arms in the air.
"What's going on Kat?" Logan asked when he finally let me go.
"Well let's go have a cup of tea and I'll fill you in" I said. We all left the balcony and adjourned to the dining room which was also destroyed.
"Who did this to my castle?!" thundered Logan.
"You did" I replied.



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