Chapter 15. The way of The Mikealsons

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|~ Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.
- Quotes from Rita Mae Brown


Obviously we got wierd looks for dressing like we felt obliged to help the sun spread it's rays but it's nothing any of us aren't used to. I tried my absolute best to avoid Logan and even though they won't admit it out of respect for my fragile pride, my friends have been helping me do that. We avoided his name also. And for a while we succeeded but alas, all good things must come to an end. It was after last period. Damon was here to pick me up and drive me back to the castle but I had forgotten my homework and had to get it so I went back in alone. He caught me by my locker.

"Kat I have to talk to you" I sighed and turned to him.

"What Logan?"

"I'm sorry ok!"

"Logan I really like you, but fool me once and all that" I said and made to leave. He grabbed my hand, turned me around and kissed me. And I kissed him back. Because in that moment it was just me and him, my first love, and hopefully my last. I let the kiss go on for a few minutes more, then stepped away from him.

"I've gotta go, sorry Logan" I walked away.

"What took you so long?" Damon asked.

"Nothing. This car is spelled to travel teleport style right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can we make a quick pit stop at home? I have to talk to dad" I asked. He nodded and stepped on it. We immediately appeared in front of my childhood home. I rushed in, spoke to my parents a bit, then rushed to my room to raise the floorboard under my bed and carry all my life's savings. I divided them and stuffed them into different pockets and left.

Damon drove me back to the castle. He dropped me off and I rushed to my room. Karen was trying to talk to me but I didn't listen to her because I'm in a hurry and I'm still slightly mad at her for keeping me in this castle.

"Kat you're not listening to me!" I sighed and turned around.


"Ashton's in your room" just as she said this Ash walked out of my room and glared at me.

"Hey Ash" I squeaked.

"I'll just leave you guys to it" Karen said and sped off.

"I had to hear it as gossip in the halls. Kat you're my best friend, why didn't you tell me?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry Ash, but I knew if I told you you would freak and try to kill Logan" I said.

"So you just thought that I'd never hear then"

"Ash I'm sorry" he sighed.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm great!. A break up shouldn't be seen as the end, it should be seen as the beginning of something new!" I said with a bright smile. Ash rolled his eyes and pushed my door open for me to enter. I did and he followed behind me.

"I don't want the pushing everyone away version, I want the what you told your mom version"

"You know me so well" I said with a pout.

"I pride myself on knowing interesting people, now spill" I rolled my eyes.

"My boyfriend cheated on me and has the guts to blame me for it. I wasn't even supposed to fall for him it was all just to break the spell put on Damon and Chris. I was so sure I wouldn't fall for him again but here I am with a broken heart once more because of Logan freaking Heart!" I finished rambling and glared at Ash.

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