2. I know the bad boys secret

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6pm arrived sooner than I thought and I was standing in front of my mirror in blue jeans and a black top. I had some trainers on and my phone was in my hand and I headed down stairs

"You couldn't dress any nicer"

"I literally haven't even unpacked this is what I grabbed first" I said, lying hoping she'd buy it

"Lets go" she said


We knocked on the door and Jackie answered it

"Come on in" she said and we sat down at the table and she slowly started bringing the food in and I got up to help her in the kitchen

"Thanks honey, damn it where is Tyler" she said

"Don't worry" I said helping her take the food to the table and she slid into the chair next to me

"I'm sorry but can you please go get my son" she asked and my mum smiled


"Uh sure where's his room"

"Literally upstairs and then 3rd door on the right, you'll see it trust me" she said and I laughed and headed upstairs and she was right

I definitely did see his room as it had his name plastered on the damn door

Knock knock

"Yeah?" He said and I walked in and he looked at me

"Neighbour girl?"

"Yeah your mom wants you down"

"Yeah I'll be down in a sec" he said and just as I was leaving he called

"Hey neighbour girl" I turned around to look at him

"What's your name" he asked

"Talia" I said and headed down and a few seconds later he followed me down and sat into the chair opposite me and smirked

"Everyone this is my son Tyler, Tyler these are the new neighbours Mr and Mrs Remington and their daughter, Talia" she said and he smiled

"Nice to meet you all" he said and sat down

My parents and Jackie started talking about their own grown up shit and me and Tyler just sat there

Sometimes mind control was a good thing as it was now so I could read his mind

Usually I'd have to be angry and pissed off to an extent to let them get out of control but a few harmless mind reading won't hurt 

This shit boring fuck fuck fuck kill me I wanted to sneak out

Sneak out huh?

I smirked at him and he then leaned back after finishing his food and Jackie looked at me

"What school are you going to"

"I Uh don't know"

"Manor high school" my mum said

"Tyler goes there too he can show you around in the morning he can drop you off"

"Mum I need to be in school earlier, coach wants the whole team in the morning" he said

"It's fine I'll drive myself there, thank you" I said and he smiled at me

"You two kids go run on up get to know each other me and your mother will talk, I'm sorry my husband should be coming in I don't know where he is, he's usually never late" she said and just then the door opened, revealing a middle aged man and he smiled

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