꧁ eleven

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"I don't even know where I'm going
But i will not live in this confusion"

-go, nct dream

"Seohyun" the sound of her name ran chills down her spine. Her father never called her by her first name. He would always refer to her as sweetheart, or honey.

"Yes pops?" she asked hesitantly.

"I want you to head straight home after school."

"What about the shop?"

"You don't work there anymore."

Her expression dropped. "What?"

"You heard me"

"Dad thats not fair."

"Don't say that shit to me Seohyun. You did this to yourself." He glared at her with a stern face. "And you're not allowed to hang out with your friends."

"Until when?"

"Until I say so"

"And when will that be?" She pressed on, making him even more irritated than before.

"Until you have learned to obey me. I don't want to see you within 5 feet of a car Seohyun and if i even find out you are sneaking out and going places on your bike, you'll loose that too." He snapped and walked out pf the room.

Seohyun didn't waste any time, grabbing the keys to her bike and walking out the door.
The sound of the engine roaring was the last thing her father heard as he watched her leave their driveway through the window.

"How bad is it?" Doyeon asked as soon as she saw Seohyun walk into their first period class.

"I don't wanna talk about" Seohyun answered, taking her a seat in her usual spot in front of Doyeon and laying her head down in attempt to ignore the headache she felt forming.

A few moments later, the sounds of loud voices and laughing were heard from outside the classroom. Revealing that it was the infamous racer boys, Seohyun sighed and pressed her face deeper into her arms to block out the noise.

Jeno was the first to notice the girl's quiet presence. "Whats up with her?"

"Nothing." Doyeon simply replied, knowing it wasn't her place to say anything for her best friend but she did raise her brows, hinting at a certain fact. It took Jeno a moment until he realized what she was referring too. He look back at Seohyun and pressed his lips together, feeling bad for the girl.

"Hey Herbie why so quiet?" Donghyuck poked Seohyun's shoulder playfully with a smirk. Seohyun didn't react.

"Now is not the time Haechan" Doyeon warned him but he disregarded it. "Oh come on, what happened? Spent all night thinking about me that you couldn't sleep?" He teased, poking her a few more times.

Seohyun was really not in the mood to deal with his playful manners and didn't want anything more than to deck him in the face for being annoying, but she simple did not have to energy to even speak to him.

Without a word, she stoop up. The sound of her chair scraping the floor caught the entire class' attention. Not caring for the attention put on her, she walked out of the classroom, ignoring her teacher's voice calling out for her.

"Whats up with her?" Donghyuck asked confusedly.

"Do you not know how to take a hint?" Doyeon asked him, raising her brows. He raised his hands up in defense. Doyeon just rolled her eyes and sighed, turning her attention to the lecture.

Seohyun spent the rest of first and all of second period sitting on the rooftop if the school. Students usually never knew how to get up there in the first place, so Seohyun took pleasure in the thought that this spot was only for her to enjoy.

But the sound of the back door opening made her think she spoke too soon.

"Thought I'd find you here."

"You caught me" Seohyun responded nonchalantly, while running and hand through her dark locks of hair.

"Doyeon said you skipped first and second period."

"And what about it."

"Your dad's not going to be too happy about that."

"Ugh don't even mention my dad right now." She sighed, leaning her head back and relishing in the feeling of wind blowing through her hair.

"Im guessing last night was not so good huh." He walked over and took a seat next to her.

"It was more like this morning but thats besides the point." Seohyun shrugged.

"Wanna talk about it?" He looked at her

"No" her gaze stayed focused on the scenery in front of her

"Thats fine" he said turning his head forward again. He felt a weight on his shoulder a few seconds later but stayed unfazed.

"I just wish I could be able to do what I want." She sighed. "Like you and Jeno."

"You're dad is only tough on you because he cares about you Hyun"

"I know jaem'- it just gets tiring sometimes."

"I get that...but don't ever take your parents strictness for granted." He said running a hand through his hair. "Because one day they wont be there to tell you that anymore."

Seohyun stayed silent. Knowing this was a sensitive topic for him. Jaemin lost his parents when he was 12, and had been in foster care ever since. Well until he turned eighteen when he was finally old enough to not need a guardian. Although he might seem to be living the life any teenager would want, part of him still wishes to know what it is like to have a family again. He has no sibling or extended family to go to. He's on his own.

"I think I can relate to you a bit" Seohyun said, thinking back on her own struggles.

At the age of 7, Seohyun's mother died in a car crash. That was the main reason why her father was so against the idea of her racing. He couldn't bare to loose Seohyun to the one thing that took his wife away from him.

a lil jaemin and seohyun chapter cuz why not

Sorry for the lack of updates :(

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