Chapter 5: Hit Me with Your Best Shot

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Disclaimer: I do not own Wizards Vs Aliens. I only own my OCS.

Benny's POV

The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. I actually felt excited to get there. For as long I can remember, I've always felt dread at the thought of going to school. I never thought I would feel excited about going—for reasons beyond science labs; I never thought I'd have a friend. And I feel like she really understands what it's like to be me.

Just as I finished getting my uniform on, I heard my phone go off with a text. I knew it had to be from Ellie. [Want to meet up a bit early? I'll be under the tree in the courtyard. –E]

I replied back, [See you there. –B]. I didn't see why not and I knew my parents wouldn't protest to the idea of me going into school a bit early.

I grabbed my bag and then went downstairs, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter. I took a bite out of it as I threw another one into my bag for later. "Morning love." Mum greeted me. "You look like you're in hurry?" She noticed I seemed ready to go.

"I was going to head in early." I noticed both mum and dad seemed surprised. "I'm meeting a friend." I added and that only added to their surprise. They have so much faith in me.

"A friend?" My dad asked.

"Her name's Ellie." I figured they wanted me to tell them all about my first friend. "She's in a few of my classes."

"Ellie?" My dad asked. "A girl?" I rolled my eyes at the look he was giving me and then my mom. That look didn't get past me. It was nothing like that and I didn't like what he might be insinuating.

"Dad! That's gross!" I exclaimed. I did not like girls like that.

"Richard!" Mum shook her head in his direction as he chuckled. He seemed to get some amusement out of my reaction. "I told you, sweetheart." My mom put a hand on my shoulder. "This school was going to be so much better for you." I did have to admit, things seemed to be going better for me here at Kings Park Elementry compared to my old school. Though some of the people in it were very much the same. "You're already making friends."

"I really should go." I needed to get out of here before they asked more questions. I had managed to duck out of too many details last night by talking about all my classes. I wanted to avoid any more questions that could come up now that they knew I made a friend.

"Right, don't want to keep your friend waiting."

"Mum!" I stopped her from grabbing her car keys. "I want to walk."

"What? It's only down the road, I can—"

"Please mum, let me walk." I pleaded. They were embarrassing. I had managed to keep mum from embarrassing me at the drop off yesterday. I didn't want to have to worry about that today now that they were thrilled about my making a friend accomplishment. "I'll be careful."

"Trisha, he is old enough to go on his own." Dad backed me up. I noticed his subtle wink as he tried to convince mum to let me go; I'd let it go as long as I can walk myself to school.

"Well, alright." I smiled when mum gave in. "Make sure you have your phone." She added. As if I would go anywhere without it. "And be careful."

"I will." I was out the door in a manner of seconds, not wanting to waste any time. I did not want mum to change her mind or have any more things come to mind that she wants to remind me of. Do you know the way? Do you have your lunch? Don't talk to any strangers. I looked back briefly as I shut the door behind me and quickly went around the corner. In case mum did decide to come out, I would already be gone on my way. The walk itself was nice and peaceful; and it wasn't far. The walk was about twenty minutes and once I got onto the courtyard, I noticed Ellie under the big oak tree. I walked over, taking off my bag and sitting next to her.

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