13. Escape

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*Midoriya's POV*

As I slowly woke up I saw a blurry figure in font of me shaking my shoulders. As my vision cleared I could see (Y/N). "Hey, can you move?" he asked in a hushed tone, I could see we were somewhere else. "Where...are we...?" I asked the effects of whatever they gave me still in my system slightly.

*Your POV*

"I don't know, but we need to go!" I hated lying to him, we were in the middle of a forest not too far from town. He was untied so I pulled him up making sure he wasn't going to fall over. We started creeping our way out of the small building.

*Midoriya's POV * (Sorry for all the changes)

We sneaked out of the building into the forest outside. After getting there we started running, I could hear his panting and footsteps behind me. Suddenly they stopped, I turned around to see Toga with a knife to his neck.

"(Y/N)!" I started running back towards him only for Toga to press the knife harder against his skin. "Come closer and I slice his pretty little neck open!" I stopped dead in my tracks. "Now you're going to turn around and follow the signs back to town or both of you die!"

I didn't want to leave him, "g-go!" he coughed out. I reluctently backed away not wanting him to die. I slowly made my way down the path following the signs.

*Your POV* (Again sorry)

A few minutes later he had been out of sight for a little while, Toga pulled the knife away from my neck and let me go. She pulled out a phone and called Kurogiri telling him to come pick us up. A portal opened almost instantly, we walked inside landing in the bar.

Tomura came over and snaked his arm around my waist while Toga just went and sat down at a booth. I gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek, "calm down, I'm fine~!" Toga was snickering in the corner. We both glared a her making her run and hide behind Kurogiri.

*Midoriya's POV*

When I had made it back to UA I was bomb barded with hugs and questions. When All Might and Aizawa got to me they pulled me through the crowds and into the teachers lounge to ask me questions.

They asked me questions like 'what did they do to you?' 'what did they want?' but one answer got them riled up. "Did you see (Y/N)?" Aizawa asked obvisouly missing his nephew. "Yea! He was doing fine and even brought me food!" I was telling them about everything that happened with him.

I stopped remembering when he patched me up, "although he did have a mark on his neck, similar to the ones Kirishima has after his and Kachan's study sessions..." Aizawa did not like this answer as he stormed out of the lounge and down the hall.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" I turned to look at All Might, "no Young Midoriya, you did nothing wrong!" He looked pained and looked at the door, "you'll understand one day, but first why don't you go check on Aizawa!" he made a slight gesture to the door.

"I don't think he wants to talk to me..." I turned my attention to the floor (I can verify the floor is very interesting, oh look a peice of fluff). All Might got up and walked over to sit next to me and patted my back. "He'll take it best from you..." he tried reassuring me.

I turned and looked him in the eyes, "you're right! What kind of hero am I if I can't even help my teacher!" I stood up and walked to the door, "but...where is he?" "Ah~training grounds!" I nodded and made my way through the hallways towards the doors.

I got distracted when I bumped into someones chest, "ow...I really hate everyone else being so tall!" I mumbled rubbing my nose, "are you alright Midoriya?" Todoroki asked "yes fine!" I replied walking past him. Continuing on my way to the training grounds, I thankfully didn't bump into anyone else.

When I got there I walked into an open area, following the sounds, and robots. I finally found him in the middle of a fake street fighting a two pointer robot. I decided to wait until he was done on his little 'rampage' before attempting to try to talk to him.

Once it seemed like he had blown off some steam I cautiously make my way towards him. "Mr. Aizawa, are you feeling any better?"

*Aizawa's POV* (I know so odd for me)

Not wanting to scare the boy that was obviously worried about me (In a student-teacher way to all you people thinking otherwise). I gave a loud grunt and made my way back to the lounge. As I figured he followed close behind, after getting there I started a pot of coffee.

We stood in silence unitl the machine dinged, All Might had left at some point. Not really caring I poured myself a mug, "I guess..." I mumbled after chugging a little of it. He seemed a little relieved by the words.

*Your POV*

After me and Tomura scared the bejesus out of Toga, we headed back to his room. He decided to take a shower (with a little force (okay a lot of force)). He grabbed some clothes, and headed to the bathroom. I sat on his bed and layed on my back.

Bored out of my mind I decided to change clothes. Too lazy to go to my room to get some, I went to his closet and looked at what he had. I picked out an over-sized T-shirt, along with the shorts I was wearing earlier (sorry if you're like me and don't wear shorts).

It was the only larger shirt he had, but it was long enough it almost looked like I was wearing a dress. If you were looking at me it would seem kinda like I was only wearing the shirt, it was so long you couldn't see the shorts.

 If you were looking at me it would seem kinda like I was only wearing the shirt, it was so long you couldn't see the shorts

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Something kinda like this (best picture I could find)

Finally deciding to lay down like a normal person, I put my head on the pillow while laying on my side.

*Time skip*

I tried sleeping but nothing I tried helped, I eventually heard the door open and close. Smiling to myself I stayed where I was not moving. After a minute or two he layed behind me and wrapped his arms around me pulling me in securely to him. Cormforted by his warmth, I slowly fell alseep in his embrace.

I originally wasn't going to add that last part, but to me it didn't really match the story for the majority of the chapter to take place at UA. I also wanted to make it longer so it was kinda a win-win.

Word Count: 1,171

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