☯ Chapter 12 ☯

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Isak and I were at the airport waiting for our plane to board.

I was excited to see my family again, I haven't seen them in over a year now and I was excited for them to meet the babies

Announcer-"Attention all people who are boarding plane 407, the plane will be leaving in 5 minutes I repeat 5 minutes"

Isak-"Well that's our plane lets go"

I pushed the twins strollers while Isak carried the suitcases.



Heavenly and I and our twins were all settled in the plane ready to go to Florida.

We were 20 minutes in on the trip and I never have felt relaxed

I felt happy for once my album was going really well and plus I have a beautiful fiance (Which I will propose soon just wait for it) and a beautiful daughter and a handsome son.

I went on my phone and plugged in my headphone and listened to music for the rest of the flight


Heavenly and I were awoken from the airplane landing the twins, fortunately were still asleep.

Announcer-"Everybody welcome to the Sunshine state, also known as Florida"

Heavenly carefully took the twins out and carried them,I grabbed the suitcases and headed out of the airplane.

We arrived at My parents house first there house looked kind of beaten up I wonder why.

I still had the key to get in the house.

I walked in and all I saw was rugged up walls food and trash everywhere I saw my dad stumbling in drunk.

Isaks dad-"Hello sonn" he slurred his words out

Isak-"Hey um where is mom?"

Isaks dad-"You didn't hear?"

I looked over at Heavenly who was confused and a little disgusted.

Isak-"Um no I didn't what happen?"

Isak's dad put down the bottle of alcohol and sobered up a bit.

Isaks dad-"She died 3 months ago Isak"


Isak stood there frozen I could see the sadness in his face but the anger in his eyes

I put my hand on his shoulder an he calmed down a bit but he then got angry again.

Isak-"Why didn't you tell me shit dad?"

Isaks dad-"She didn't want you to know"

I knew Isak was the least favorite child in the family but sheesh at least let him know his mom is dying.

Then Isak and his dad started yelling I felt weird just standing there so I took the babies outside.

They shouldn't be in this type of energy.


I sat in the car waiting for Isak to notice I was gone and out of the house.

15 minutes later he was out of the house stressed out and walked by the car.

Isak-"babe I'm sorry for doing that I was just frustrated that I didn't know my mom died"

I got out of the car and kissed him

(Later that night)


My dad didn't want me in his house after the heated argument so we stayed at the hotel. I honestly didn't want the twins or Heavenly to stay at the ugly house anyway.

I couldn't sleep that night I was still in shock knowing my mom died

I wonder what she died from.

My mom and dad never really liked each other they always argued a lot

My dad didn't kill her, right?

I'm stupid of course not.

I hope.

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