Shattered and Taped

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Alright so my laptop has been a little slow lately so if there's any mistakes just let me know please? :3 thanks for reading


We ran as fast as we could, away from the werewolf rouges that was attacking my pack. There were too many, I looked around frantic to find my brother and parents. My mom was fighting off a grey wolf twice as big as her while dad was fighting a light brown wolf smaller then him, because he was Alpha. I could hear my brother yelling at me threw the mind link to follow him, but all I could do was watch in horror. My brother and I wern't full grown werewolves yet, he was 15 and me 13 and we shifted at 16.

My brother grabbed my hand and we started running, I turned to look at my home one last time. The pack house was burning down and my mother lay on the ground bleeding, while dad was rampaging, killing every rouge he saw. I turned forward again crying, and ran away with my brother.

I woke up with tears rolling down my face. I'd been having that dream more frequently as the guessed date of our parents deaths was coming up. It was two years after the ambush, and i still had nightmares and trusted no other wolf but my brother, Jasper.

We had been on the run from other packs, since we were rouges now, and never stayed in one place for more then two days. We had gotten to the middle of a forest last night and slept in the middle of a clearing, we didn't want to go into town incase other werewolves were there.

I couldn't find Jasper, so i guess he went hunting since he's a full grown werewolf now, 17. I'm still 15 so, i'm just waiting. I got up and walked around aimlessly. My torn sweat pants and tank top made me cold, but i was use to it. I was muddy and had sticks in my hair from the forest and running. I started to randomly dance to music in my head. I use to dance before my life went down south, it let me express myself.

I moved around looking at the audiance of tree's, then i saw them. I stumbled a little seeing three other werewolves, but went on dancing as if i hadn't seen them. A large black and white wolf came out from behind the tree's, followed by two wheat colored ones. I got scared, but kept dancing.

I could see that the black and white wolf wasn't alpha, because Jasper was bigger then him, being, or was next in line to be alpha. The wheat colored ones were smalled then him, so they wern't either. I guess the black and white one was Beta? I don't know.

I turned to go the other direction, but infront of me was the maybe Beta. My eyes went wide and i tripped and fell to the ground. The wheat wolves snickered and the white wolf barked at them and they went silent. He turned back to me and bared his teeth. I scooted back, scared, and put my arms over my face.

The maybe Beta barked at the wheat wolves again and they sauntered forward. They each grabbed an arm with their mouths, and teeth I might add digging into my arms, and dragged me toward the forest. I started to thrash, their teeth clamping down harder. JASPER!!!  I screamed threw our mind link. What, i'm trying to get us some food. he answered back kind of annoyed, we never really got along.

Yeah, I know you're busy, but I'm being dragged away by three wolves, and i'm not to happy about it. Hope to see you soon! By the way they might think i'm alone, since I was dancing, I think i accidental covered your scent with mine, so try to be a ninja. I heard him growl threw the link. Just hang on Alex, i'll be ninja and be there soon, DON'T PANIC.

I shut off our mind link and went limp. I heard the three dogs snicker in victory, as i had given up. But what they didn't do was see Jasper's midnight black wolf lurking in the shadows. Not wanting to give him away, i looked down. I needed to distract them to give him a chance at surprising them. "...You know I can walk..right?" The maybe Beta, looked down at me and did abut kept walking.

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