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Sorry about the cover picture .-. it was to big and i'm to lazy to find a smaller one. But you can send me book covers if ya wanna :D


I starred into Dominic's eyes, his chocolaty brown orbs capturing my sky blue. I saw his mouth moving, but I couldn't move. I stood there, frozen, looking into his eyes. His eyes grew concerned, he looked behind me, i'm guessing. A growl escaped his throat, snapping me out of my frozen state. I heard him yelling, "What did you do to my mate?! MY MATE!"

I cupped his cheeks with my hands and turned his gaze towards me. Sparks flew up my arms were I touched his skin. I felt kind of embarrased knowing what I must look like, but he was looking into my eyes. He pulled me into a hug and held me tight.

I heard a familiar growl and my head snapped towards my, now human, brother. I tried running towards him, but Dominic held me back. I leaned back into his hold. My body fitted perfectly into his, he was so warm. He looked into my eyes, "Would you like to shower?" He asked pulling a stick out of my hair. I looked down sheepishly, blushing, and nodded.

He chuckled and lead me up a set of stairs and into a black bedroom. It must have been his, smelling just like him, not that I was complaining, he smelled like axe and the woods. Reminding me of my dad. Tears brimed my eyes but I pushed them back.

He looked into my eyes, "What's wrong mate?" he asked, concerned leaking into his voice. I nodded and put on my emotionless face i'd been practicing and shook my head. He looked at me quizickly but nodded. He showed me to the bathroom in the black room.

I nodded and went in, locking it behind me. I peeled off the muddy torn clothes and looked in the mirror for the first time in two years. My dyed hair was now back to it's natural auburn color, I had purple bags under my eyes and purple bite marks on my arms to match. My use-to-be sky blue eyes now a dark blue grey. I almost choked on my own spit at my apearance. I shook my head and turned towards the shower.

I climbed in and turned the hot water on. The warm water sliding down my body, turning the bathtub a murky brown, sticks and leave clustered asround the drain. Once i got most of the sticks, leaves, and mud off of me, I climbed out of the shower, clothes were placed on the counter and the bathroom door was unlocked.

I pulled on the underwear and bra that were left for me and the jeans and tanktop. There were other tolitries with the clothes too. I brushed my teeth and hair out, my hair dried in its natural waves. I put on the deoderent, there was make-up too, but I didn't really use it.

I opened the door causiously, my other clothers were gone, that means my shoes too. So, as i walked threw the house barefoot, I didn't hear a soul, but I smelt many. I walked down the stairs slowly, I peered around the wall, most of the pack was in there, but some were outside cooking.

I saw Jasper first, standing off to the side, recently showered and in new clothes, looking at everyone with wary eyes. I saw Dominic waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. I walked down into his arms, he ran his fingers threw my hair, gently. "Much better." He said, as if he were talking to a fragile peice of lass instead of me.

I nodded sostly, looking at everyone, expecting them to attack. One of the twins reached for a drink, and i instantly tensed. Dominic traced small circles on my back and I relaxed again. Jasper walked over to me and took my hand. Dominic instantly growled, until he saw who it was, then relexed and went back to running his fingers threw my hair.

I gently nudged him, "Dominic, would you please explain what's going on now..i'm not exactly welcome, being a rouge and all.." He growled and hugged me tighter, "You will aways be welcome here, my mate." I smiled a little but quickly masked it and nodded.

He looked up towards the other pack members, looking at us looks of anger gone, replaced with curiousity. "This 'rouge' is you soon to be luna. Now more cages or collars," he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "Unless you want it." I blushed as shivers went down my spin.

He chuckled and pinched my cheeks, "So cute, so little mate, what's our soon to be luna's name?" I looked to Jasper for the okay. He nodded and I nodded back, "I'm Alexia Cresent and this is my brother Jasper." I said in barly a whisper. He chuckled, "So shy". I nodded, then a thought popped into my head,"Do you like music, Dominic?"

He looked at me curiously, but nodded. I smiled, "Do you have speakers?" he nodded again. "I'm not sure were this is going, but go ahead." he said lauging a little. I grabbed an IPod from a table,"I'm gonna borrow this, kay?" I asked. He laughed and nodded, "Go ahead little one. The spearkers are on the padio." Jasper just shook his head laughing, "I know were this is going."

I plugged the IPod into the speakers and went to YouTube, "Shush Jasper." He just looked at me smiling. I rolled my eyes and played Express by Christina Aguilera.

I jumped off the padio and into the grass and went to the middle, "JASPER HIT PLAY PLEASE," he laughed and nodded, "I wanna dance." i whispered more to myself. I did slow movements during the biggening, and as the beat got faster i started to move faster, doing more hiphop moves. I got lost in the music, only falling to the ground when the music stopped, panting.

Jasper got to me first and smiled, "You looked freakin' lovely sister." he said in a joking voice. I smiled and laughed, "Why thank you, dearest brother." He and I laughed, once I cought my breath, i looked up to the padio. Everyone had their jaws hanging lose. I laughed at the sight, I wasn't that good, I just really got into it sometimes.

I suddenly got a sharp pain in my side, I lay on he ground, the pain wahsing over my body. My joints started to pop. I heard someone yell that I was shifting. Huh, i'm not sure if I want to now, it hurts like pooh. After about two hours of emense pain and growing, I was done. Jasper's mouth hung open, I tilted my head to the side, and he ran off to get me a mirror.

Then my back started to hurt, I felt something grow out of them. Everyone was looking at me, then I remembered, I was half winged, my wings are coming in. Jasper came back out, he nearly dropped the mirror and the sight of me. By the time he got back to me, my wings were fully out. He showed me my reflection. My fur was black with red tips, along with my wings.

I looked at myself, mezmerized at how I looked. I started to move my wings, making sure they were real. I lifted them fully up and flapped them down, lifting myself up slightly and blowing everyone on their asses. I laughed slightly, and flapped again and again, to were I was a few feet up. I closed my wings and landed on my feet. I tucked my wings in.

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