Best Friends Forever (part 5)

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**the next morning
Betty*calls jughead*
Jughead: hey Betty
Betty: feelin better
Jughead: yeah much, thank you
Betty:anytime, jug I gotta go. See you later*hangs up*

Betty's POV: I get this happy feeling in my heart. He's better which means he will be there tonight and I can't wait. As I get ready I dance around my room smiling and singing to my music. I put on my makeup and then my cheer uniform. Then I pull my bright blonde hair into a ponytail and put in the bow. I actually look real good, hopefully jug will think I do

**at pops
Toni*comes over and sits beside her* I don't think we've meet. I'm Toni, Jughead's girlfriend
Betty: umm hi, I know. I'm Jughead's best-
Toni*interrupts her* oh I know who you are and I don't want you to hangout with Jug
Betty: I haven't been able too
Toni: you were there yesterday
Betty: he was sick, psycho
Toni: leave my boyfriend alone *grabs a fry* oh and good luck at the cheer thing *leaves*
Betty*rolls her eyes*

**at Jughead's home
Toni: hey babe
Jughead: oh hey Toni
Toni: can I get a kiss?
Jughead: no I'm busy and besides I'm not your babe
Toni: we hangout all the time and go on dates. Your my boyfriend
Jughead: fine whatever, do you know what day it is? My phone broke
Toni: oh it's *smirks* Friday, today is Friday and we need to go on a date
Jughead: why not?

*later that day
Veronica: Betty are you excited
Veronica: Betty what's wrong?
Betty: Jug he was supposed to come and we're up next
Veronica: Betty I'm so sorry
Betty*tears roll down her face* why?
Veronica*comes over and hugs her*
Cheryl: y'all lets*stops mid sentence* what's wrong
Betty*sniffles* nothing, lets go
Veronica: Betty
Betty: can we just go
Cheryl: lets go team

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