Chapter 16

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As weeks passed by being back in school, Vienna's bad feeling still didn't go away. As she was finishing up her lesson for today. The bell rings, signaling its time to pack up and go home.

"Don't forget. We have a quiz next week..." Vienna says as everyone groans well leaving. Bonnie and Elena rushed into her classroom, locking the door.

"Ms. Bennett and Ms.Gilbert, what can I do you for?" Vienna says facing the girls worried expression.

"Hey. What's wrong? What going on?" She asked they both rushed into her arms. Shaking Elena spoke. "K-klaus he's here. He's in M-mystic f-falls. He's-.." she sobs in Vienna's shoulder. "I don't wanna die, Vienna."

Vienna stood still as she watched the two girl who been through hell and back. Break down in front of her.

"Are you sure.." she mumbled looking at Bonnie as she had her arm over Elena's shoulder.

"He compelled a girl to ask Elena to the dance. Saying it was from Klaus." Bonnie's eyes were bloodshot. Feeling their fear, Vienna held tight in a motherly way.

"Everything's going to be alright..." she whispered softly to them. The slowly calm down and collected themselves.

"What are we going to do?" Bonnie asked.

"You and Elena are go straight to the Salvator house. Well I look for Klaus. " she says as she pack her stuff and lead the girls to their door.

As Vienna opens the door, Justin stand outside waiting. The three of them jumped at his appearance.

He chuckles and raises his hands."Woah. Hey it just me." He puts his hands down as the girls glared at him.

Vienna punched his chest making him wince in pain. "Dick. What the hell were you doing standing outside my door like a weirdo. " she hissed as they make their way down the hall.

"I was coming to talk to you. When you open the door..." as he tries to catch up with her and the girls. "Okay can we slow down. What got you guys so worked up?" Vienna stopped in her tracks and turn towards Justin. she glanced at the girl and than at him.

"Not right now, Justin...." Justin furrowed his brows. "I talk to you later." She said walking out leaving him behind as they meet up with Damon and Stefan.

"Klaus is here. You two need to get Elena and Bonnie to a safe place and protect them."

"Wait. Wait. Hold on!" Damon started as they girls stopped at Vienna's car. "If his here than there's gonna have to be a changed of plan." He said.

"What plan?" Elena asked.

"We draw him out. He already knows you just gonna hide out at the boarding house...." he says.

"So?" Vienna asked.

"So. He gonna go there. When he sees she not there but at the dance. That's when we strike. " he finished looking at Vienna and the girls.

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