Maddy♂ and Lexi♂

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I love Matthew Lee Espinosa. Yes I know, I've never actually met met him, how can I love him?

People have online relationships all the time, and the thing is with that person that you are having an online relationship don't even know if it's them or not because they could be using fake profile pictures but on the other hand, with a famous person, you can know everything about them mostly because their information gets leaked but that's beside the point.

I pull out my laptop and I start watching "Monte Carlo" on it, but then I heard my phone go off. I let it ring the first time because I am too lazy to get up and get it but then I heard it go off again. I got up and it was my best friend Lexi calling, then I just FaceTimed her and she was freaking out and her face was as red as could be so that either means she is really angry or really happy. She starts talking 70 mph and "Lexi! Calm down, tell me but slowly" I say to her, stopping her mid-sentence. "Okay, so I was just laying down watching American Horror Story then I looked at my phone and since I have my Twitter notifications turned on for Sammy his tweets are always on my lockscreeen" she said to me, "LEXI GET TO THE POINT" I yell because I lack patience, "Sammy said that twelve girls and one guy get to spend a week vacation with all of old MagCon plus him" then we both scream simutaniously. "I'm coming over now" she says to me as she is on her way over.

Lexi walks in and I am still freaking out and I can't catch my breath.

I pull out my laptop to confirm that Lexi wasn't dreaming when she saw that tweet, and I got on Twitter and IT REALLY DOES SAY THAT. I went to Matt's profile to see if he had said anything and he hadn't, so I refreshed it and as soon as I did he just tweeted a link. I clicked on the link and it said "YOU ARE ONE OF THE FIRST OF THIRTEEN PEOPLE TO GET TO MEET THE OLD MAGCON BOYS AND SAMMY WILKINSON." After Lexi heard that she already had clicked the link as well and it says she got in too!! At first I was thinking, Hmm maybe this isn't real. What are the chances of me winning anything? THEN I GET MENTIONED IN A TWEET FROM SHAWN MENDES. The Tweet says congratulations to Maddy, Lexi, Brianna, Vanessa, Rachael, Katie, Taylor, Gracey, Kassie, Llyssa, Lauren, Kayleigh, and Jacoby. You will get to spend a week vacation with all of the old Magcon boys ( Mahogany and Sammy as well)

Then he mentioned all of our twitters.

Lexi and I look at each other for a second then we both started crying. Then I heard our phones both going off about 200 times each, and I look at my phone and all of the MagCon boys, Mahogany and Sammy followed us. Lexi starts screaming "SAMMY FOLLOWED ME, SAMMY FOLLOWED ME."

This is a dream, it has to be. I start punching myself, and it actually really hurt and I haven't woken up so I might as well play along with this dream while I can.

Our phones are going off like crazy, people tweeting @ us and DMing us and asking us 100 question. I have gained 6,000 followers and it's only been 3 minutes.

I turn off my Twitter notifications because I'm too scared to look at them, do you know how much hate I might get? Lexi doesn't even care. She is going through all of her notifications and everything. Then she screams the most gut wrenching scream that I've ever heard. "WHAT?!?" I yell at Lexi while she's on the floor crying and hands me here phone. i read,

"Hey beautiful, I seen that you've won and you get to spend a week with me, and all of the boys. I would be glad to give you my number so you can find out more about what's happening. BUT if you give out my number you will be disqualified from the whole thing. I don't think you would give out my number but I have to say that😌 okay babe whenever you see this, reply and I'll give you my number. 💋" from @MahoganyLOX

(Authors Note- pretend there isn't a character limit on Tweets😂)

Oh my god, did that just happen?

Lexi takes her phone back and starts typing about 80 mph and replies. Mahogany responds, WITH HER PHONE NUMBER.

I grab my phone because, what if someone message me?

I scroll through my DMs and I see "Hey sweetie" and that's all I saw before I clicked on it, and I see a long message and I look at the username and it says... @JacobWhitesides


"Hey Sweetie. I was going to give you my number so you could find out more information but I see that Mahogany already messaged your friend so we will be calling you from Mahogany's phone in about 2 minutes. Love you babe😘"

I start screaming and Lexi grabs my phone and reads it. Then she's screaming and then we heard her phone go off.

She answers quickly and doesn't even read the name.

"Hello? Oh hey mom I have to go, text me" then we both start laughing but her phone went off again it was actually Mahogany...oh my

Lexi & Me- "Hello?"

Mahogany & Jacob- "Hey guys"

Lexi tries to contain her screams.

Mahogany- "The vacation starts in two days, but we leave tomorrow. Instead of taking a plane there we are going to have a road trip with two separate buses because it's less expensive and we can spend more money at the place we are going. "

Me- "That sounds like so much fun"

Jacob- "Oh it will be!"

Mahogany- "We will be meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. At 4pm tomorrow and we will be vacationing in Florida."

Lexi- "I've always wanted to go to Florida, NOW IM GOING WITH YOU GUYS. oops sorry I didn't mean to yell"

Jacob starts laughing- "I can tell you're gonna be pretty funny."

Mahogany- "Okay, well if you have any questions about the exact location and stuff just text me and I'll text right back. Love you guys see you tomorrow."

"Love you too" Lexi and I both say as they hang up.


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