~Chapter 14~

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The Trollipops Were sitting Around the Campfire, warming marshmallos

"Poppy.......I didn't Know that, you and Branch will finally get hitched, I'm sorry that I told you that you were gonna Leave Us for him..."
Barb Apologized

Poppy Hugged Barb's Shoulder side
"Aww Barb It's okay, We all make Mistakes, Nobody's per-"

Everyone Finished her sentence

"Gurl, You wanna bring that up again?"
Legsly asked

"Yeah, You always Talk about perfect......"
Satin Complained

"I wanna Talk about something Else!"
Chennile Said

"Okay, So what do you guys Wanna do after Our Last Reunion?"
Ava Questioned

"Ummm, I dunno..."
DJ Suki tapped her chin

"Oh! Guys There's something coming up that I always Wanted to tell you..."
Barb Raised her hand

All the Girls Questioned

Barb Cleared her throat
"Ehem....so, You've Heard that me and Riff Are Finally Together, right?"

Everyone slowly Nodded

"Well, we were planning..........TO SPEND THE REST OF OUR LIVE'S TOGETHER!"
Barb Held Her hands Out

"Wait really?"
Poppy got shocked

"Yeah! We decided to get hitched like you and Boytoy!"
Barb Gestured

"Awwww Barbie!"
Poppy Hugged Barb

"But Please.....Don't call me that"
Barb Tried to Push her away

"And What About you guys!"
Poppy Pointed

"You see, since the time we Joined the team.....Me and Chennile made something for everyone!"
Satin said

Everyone else Looked at eachother

Satin Held up a New Styled Glitter Dress, Coated with a Glitter Jacket

The Girls' eyes Sparkled

"Yep...me and Sis Worked hard for that!"
Chennile Roasted her Marshmallo

"Guys, That's so nice of you!"
Ava Held her chest

Poppy sighed, realizing this will be the last time they would ever Compete and perform together
"Umm Girls....I'm gonna Miss you when We beat the Rich Jewels"

"Aww Pop-squeak.....We can still hangout!"
Barb Held Poppy's hand

"Yeah But...We're about to have our own lives now, and Trollstopia Is getting Bigger and Bigger, It's like......we're So far Away from eachother.."
Poppy Drooped her ears

"Poppy....we Would Definetely Feel The Same!"
Ava Said

Legsly Looked down

"Same here..."
Satin and Chennile both said

"I agree With you"
DJ Held her chest

"Yep....I would Feel different From y'all!"
Delta Took her hat off and Held it tightly

Ava Quietly Sighed and sang
💜I got my ticket for the long way round~💜

everyone Looked at her

Barb Knew what she wanted to do and Joined in
🎸Too Bottle Whisky for the way~🎸

Delta and The others looked at Eachother

🎶And I sure would like some Sweet company, and I'm leaving Tomorrow what do you say?🎶

Poppy Looked at Her Best Friends Singing About How they would Feel without eachother

She Gulped and Also Joined in
💖When I'm gone~💖

🎸When I'm gone~🎸

🎶When I'm gone🎶

🎶your Gonna Miss me When I'm gone🎶

💛Your gonna Miss me by my Hair💛

🎧Your gonna Miss me Everywhere Oh🎧

🎶Your gonna Miss me when I'm gone🎶

💜When I'm gone💜

🎵When I'm gone🎵

🎶When I'm Gone🎶

🎶Your gonna Miss me when I'm gone🎶

🎵Your gonna Miss me By My Hair🎵

🎵Your gonna miss me everywhere Oh🎵

🎶Your Gonna Miss Me when I'm gone🎶

The Girls All Finished

They Finally Noticed that They Have finally Found their Harmony in singing again

Poppy Gasped

Barb Did her rock pose

"I'm so proud of you guys!"
Lila Was crying Behind them

"Aw come here Lila!"
Ava Hugged Lila

"We Can now have a Chance to beat Emerald's team!"
DJ said

"Yeah! But let's keep talking about life shall we?"
Legsly gestured

"Yeah Speeking about that....I was imagining about me Having a Peaceful life..."
Delta Began explaining

The girls Listened

Delta Continued
"......Me Having the time of my Amazingly amazing Life, Baking Cookies for y'all.....Watching L'il Clampers Growin' up....Walking around the Park With Hickory....Dancing With me in his Arms and-"

She stopped.

She Realized a bunch of butterflies in her stomach

"Uhh Delt, You okay?"
Ava Asked

"I'm not Sure..."
Barb Backed up

"Wait A Sec....Walking around the park with Hickory?"
Delta Remembered

The Girls tilted their heads

Delta Kept Remembering
"Dancing with me in his Arms and-"

Delta Gasped

"What's it?"
DJ Asked

"That's it! I love Hickory!"
Delta Held her hat again

"You what?"
Barb Questioned in purpose to make Her say it louder

Delta hugged her hat while she twirled around

"Well then what are you waiting for? Go get 'em Delta!"
Poppy Immitated herself Twirling a Lasso

"Yes, Yes! Imma Get 'em!"
Delta Ran to the Swoon Magnet's Part of the camp as she Grabbed her Banjo

"Go Delta!"
Ava Cheered

"Wait...wait, Wait, Wait Delta!"
Lila Realized

"Delta the traps-"
Lila Was about to stop her But Delta Got Caught in abother Net trap

The Girl's squinted their Eyes

The Net Delta Was in was swinging
"Haha,Very Funny Lila....Thing you can get to My boobs?"

"In all that Is Trolly GET HER OUTTA THERE!"
Poppy yelled

"Yeah, She has her Financé to catch on!"
Barb Tried to Look for a Ladder

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