Jobs and Money

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Every Way to Make Money Without Getting a Traditional Job, Marrying & Killing Other Sims, or the Money Fruit (that I know of...):

-Get that trash can that turns trash into money (In Build mode: "Nanocan Touchless Trashcan") 

-Sell collectibles and fish

-Make a garden and sell the produce (make sure to evolve them. Worth more money).

-Win the Hijinks Festival (1000S)

-Win a karaoke contest (500S)

-Perform on the street or in front of people in general (instrument is most effective in gaining an audience even at a low level.)

-Sell things you find in the trash

-Sell what the pet brings home

-Sell graded projects or projects never started

-Own a store, restaurant, or vet clinic (Most Money: Vet; Least Money: Restaurant)

-Publish books 

-Sell paintings and photos (even if it's other's paintings lol)

-Sell baked goods to local bakeries (like the cupcakes)

-Find random pet boxes in Brindleton Bay and sell what's inside of them

-If Charisma is high enough, literally ask for a small or large loan from a bunch of people

-Go on dates and sell that wine cooler thing (800S+)

-Sell graded kids projects or projects never started

-Sell anything on the street store table

-Odd Jobs and Ghost Hunting (Max for Odd Jobs: Around 800; Max for Ghost hunting: around 3000 to 4000)

-List things on Plopsy

-If you have a bakery or a section of your sims' store that sells food, sell slices of cake rather than a whole cake. Saves time and energy. Use the "Pick Up Serving" option so that the Sim doesn't eat it as soon as they pick it up. 

-If you want max profit, make a mall or multiple stores in one. Only sell things above normal quality.


Ways to Get HIGH BOOSTS of Fame In Order of Effectiveness:
(Note: Having a polarizing reputation, such as Pristine or Atrocious, helps with boosting fame since people will automatically start noticing you.)

1. Joining the Acting career and doing gigs

2. Writing books (Just writing 3 can get you to level 1 fame. They must be Excellent or above though. I advise having them at level 3-5 Writing skill first and write in a room with Inspiring Decor.)

3. Choosing any event in the interactive jobs where it gives a pop up about a chance to get a large boost of fame (Entertainer, Gardener, Scientific, etc).

4. Selling Paintings and photos to collectors/publications

5. Playing music in front of large groups of people, especially in Del Sol Valley.

-Always introduce your sim to as many sims as possible. This is so that when you host meet and greets (in the Plan a Social Event category under Socials on the phone), you can invite different people. Speaking of:

How to Have a Successful Meet and Greet
1. Have somewhere that your invited sims can eat and use the restroom. Make the guest food to eat.

2. Don't invite anyone from your household. Save those spots for outsiders, then just bring over your household sims. 

3. Do all of the required stuff, but mostly talking to your guests. 

4. DO NOT INVITE FAMOUS SIMS. They will steal the attention from your meet and greet quite effectively. Even ones from your family can distract.

5. Entertain your guests with music, jokes on the mic, or singing.

How to Maintain Your Sims' Fame Without Selling Your Life Away
1. Despite what job your sim has, have them write books in their spare time. Even writing one book gives a pretty good boost. Also, selling pictures help, but not by much. Paintings are better.

2. Have them entertain people with music, jokes, or singing when they're out in public at least once a week.

3. Anytime you're nominated for an award, go to it. It gives you 3 stars of fame. Also, if you write books, choose "Read an Excerpt from Book" at the mic." This is especially helpful if somehow your game glitches, and the award ceremony suddenly stops working. Use that time to promote your book lol. This also gives 3 stars (doesn't matter if it won an award). DO BOTH THINGS!

4. Try to be the only famous sim within an area. Especially if you're B-Lister or under. You won't be able to steal the attention very well from 4-5 star celebrities, even if you're talking to them...

5. Honestly, just having your sim out in public a lot helps. Don't keep them cooped up inside. However, if you must, posting to Simstagram helps. (exclude if you're playing a history based game play.) 

-Livestream and update social medias

How to Get an Award in Your Inventory 
Go to the starlight accolades at the Start PDP whatever place, wait for your name to be called, click the microphone, and select accept award. The award is in the house inventory.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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