~meet me in the hallway~

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Cassie and Mikah, the best of friends, two peas in a pod, of you will. Senior year has been hard on the girls, every waking moment was spent dreading leaving for college, one in Washington, the other in Florida.

"Cassandra Joy I swear to God if you don't tell me where we're meeting right this instant I'm going to kill you!", Cassie shouts over the phone

The older girl chuckles at her passion, she always was feisty.

"Just, uhm, meet me in the hallway, our spot. 3:30 pm."

Their spot. An abandoned building that sits on the edge of a creek has been home to the friends since 6th grade, almost like a palace to escape the real world.


"Mikah! You've gotta go!", the brunette's mom shouts. 

Mikah rolls her eyes, her mom is always on time, and if she isn't, she's three days early. Usually her teenage daughter would be complaining, but today is different. Today Mikah and Cassie leave for their Harry Styles road trip, which was all Harry obsessed Mikah's idea. The two girls always knew they wanted to go on a cross country trip right before college, and the Beachwood Cafe doesn't exactly seem like a horrible destination.

"Oh my God, I'm coming! It's not like I could be late to a road trip, damn.", Mikah snaps back, almost never getting along with her questionable family.

Cassie has always been a safe space for everyone that comes in contact with her. Something about her warm, caramel eyes, with little green specks and wavy blonde hair is just so inviting. Her older friend never exactly had a great relationship with her parents and brother, most definitely her own person. Mikah is very much a leader and an independent soul, and hates being told what to do, especially when it's multiple times, and that's her family's specialty, scream it until she listens.

   "Mikah Claire! I told you about the language. Watch it before I beat your ass!"

The hazel eyed girl rolls her eyes. Her mom can't even go a day without drinking or going crazy on some minor inconvenience, so she'd be stupid to obey a hypocrite.

Mikah rushes out the door, hoping to escape a little faster. Sure she loves her family, it's just a little complicated.



mikey brooks :)))- 5 minutes away, calm your tits please


"Finally! I thought you'd never show at this rate!", Cassie screams, holding her luggage.

"Well so sorry Cass. It's not my fault my brain runs twenty minutes late on a good day!"

The younger girl scoffs at her best friends remarks, almost expecting that kind of response from the hard headed girl. It's not like Mikah would admit she was late and that's her problem, her pride is bigger than the universe.

"Alright, we gotta hit the road! Los Angeles, here we come!", the blonde says with enthusiasm.

"Hey! That's Beachwood Cafe to you, and me, but mainly you! Get your facts straight, Baker.", Mikah playfully fights back, her strong ego and want to be right showing it's ugly, and sometimes beautiful, head.

Cassie chuckles. Her best friend truly has the best sense of humor, to be honest, she has the best everything. Her long, dark hair falls perfectly without any effort, her pale skin and hazel eyes that soften with the sunlight complement each other perfectly, her cheesy grin is infectious, she lights up every room she walks into with wisdom and beauty. Cassie may gush over Mikah like this utilizing the little voice in her head, but she would never so much say this out loud.

While the caramel eyed girl is concerned over her feelings, she fails to realize her hazel eyed crush feels the exact same way

Ever since sixth grade, Mikah has been in love with Cassie. Her every move is that of a goddess, her dirty blonde hair that curls near the ends, her eyes that melt into a golden color when light hits it, her big smile, her little chipped tooth that makes everyone happier, her subtle comedic jabs, her everything. 

The girls, out of fear, choose to admire each other from afar, trembling at the thought of ruining such an incredible friendship over some stupid teenage love story. The don't want to be picture perfect, they're already far from it, but at least they have each other. Sure, Mikah and Cassie can't hold each other close and say 'I love you' whenever they please, which would be ideal, but they still have a shoulder to cry on, a body to hug, a face to rant to. They have their person, and while it's not in the fairy tale way you'd expect from such an intense life plot, but it's still having your soulmate by your side, and that's all anyone could ever ask for.


"Cass? How much longer?", Mikah whines, already bored of this 'epic' road trip, which was all her idea.

"Mikah, sweetie, it's been twenty minutes, we still have like twelve hours to go until we hit our first stop on the border of Texas and Oklahoma. Were you not aware it's a twenty nine hour drive from Nashville to LA when you came up with this extravaganza?", Cassie shoots back, already tired of the bitching brunette in the passenger seat.

"I knew that, but it just seems so much longer now.", the stubborn one confirms, clearly done with the whole traveling part of a vacation.

Cassie sighs, knowing there's literally nothing that could console her bored bestie. It's almost guaranteed for Mikah to get bored every five minutes, she just needs changes of activity, regardless of the fact she hates change with a burning passion.

"She's just so adorable when she's bored.", Cassie thinks to herself.

She's fully aware being in love with the whining teen next to her is completely wrong, but what's the harm in a little crush. Unless, it isn't a little crush.

The blonde driver can't even fathom what her parents would say, or what would happen to her full ride scholarship at Washington State University, or her Little Miss Perfect persona. She's worked so hard to be favored, she can't just throw that out the window. If one thing needs to be burned, it has to be her sexuality. Sure, she may be unhappy, but at least the people pleasing side of Cassie Joy Baker is content. 

The happiness of others has always been Cassie's priority. Whether it's making all A+'s to make her parents think they did something right with their kids, or sitting and listening to anyone who asks to talk, even when she needs a break from being a therapist to see one. Mikah hasn't had the best past, and even though her brunette best friend is quite secretive and Cassie only knows a fourth of what went down, she still knows how much it effected, and still effects her. Cassie being bullied or getting a bad grade doesn't matter when Mikah is in the picture.

She just loves Mikah a little too much to put herself first

A.N: hey guys it's mickey! i really hope you are enjoying my first ever fiction book, that happens to be harry styles inspired. the chapters are gonna be a bit longer and will be updated everyday so i can make the deadline for the watty's in literally 27 days. i'm so excited to write this, and i'm so excited for y'all to read it! if anyone wants to make a fine line or hs1 inspired cover for this book, dm me! i'd love to have a little collab for this lol. anways, stay safe bbs, dms always open <3 mik

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