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"Bro, what is this place?", Cassie exclaims, looking out the window.

"Cass, you dumbass, that's the Grand Canyon."

The Grand Canyon West, full of culture and beauty. Visiting such a wondrous landmark has been on Mikah's bucket list since she was seven, along with end racism and meet Miley Cyrus. Saying the brunette was a baby activist would be an understatement. In second grade, Mikah's teacher gave an assignment to research two important events from history. While most children chose the moon landing for the First Thanksgiving, the little girl who was friends with everyone decided on the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Rights Movement. 

"Yo Mikey, why are we stopping here anyway?", Cassie asks, curious on why they took a detour.

"Well, I talked to your mom, and she told me about how your dad is fifty percent Native American, and I thought I could take you to a gorgeous place where you can learn more about your culture. I hope this isn't insensitive or anything, I just thought it would be a nice thing to do.", Mikah rambles, filling with anxiety, not knowing if she just screwed up big time.

"It's perfect, Mike. You did all of this research and learned the best places to go, just for me. I seriously can't understand how you're so sweet, I love you so much.", Cassie gushes

Mikah's heart skips a beat. She loves her. Holy crap she loves her. The girl she's wanted since she was 11, loves her.

As Mikah has a gay panic attack, Cassie is feeling it too. She just said 'I love you', and it wasn't some friendly thing, it was a full on romantic gesture. It was a complete accident, but not one you instantly regret, one you are so glad happened. Bob Ross was right with that one, there are no mistakes, just happy (gay) accidents.

The two now shaky girls hop out of the car and begin to take in the scenic view the Grand Canyon holds. Burnt oranges line the pathways, and Native dancers fill pavilions, being kind enough to share their beautiful culture with the world.

"Cass, look at this!", Mikah shouts, pointing towards the SkyBridge, a giant horseshoe of straight glass overlooking the canyon. Something about thinking you're going to die while in complete safety fascinates the dark haired girl, so she dragged Cassie to the line.

The two girls admire the beauty of the canyon under their feet. What was once a rushing Arizona river has now become a striking pit full of stories, a symbol of incredible things coming from natural disasters.

"Wow, it's just, wow.", Mikah says, in awe of the gorgeous landmark. Cassie, who's in a complete trance, simply nods in agreement, not wanting to miss a single moment of this experience.

Cassie slowly steps off the SkyBridge, Mikah following her like a lost puppy, and they return to their road trip ways, still shocked at what Mother Nature can create with the proper circumstances.

- - -

"She's got a book for every situation, gets into parties without invitations", Cassie surprisingly sings along to 'Carolina' . Mikah is utterly shocked, her blonde best friend has always been extremely convinced Harry Styles music is the equivalent of trash pop that Kidz Bop converts for the ears of young children in an elementary school PE class, so Cassie even tolerating the song, let alone knowing the words, is about as miraculous as Abraham Lincoln coming back from the dead and entering the presidential election just for fun.

Mikah just sits their, her eyes wide and her mouth gaping, admiring how absolutely sexy Ms Cassandra Joy sounds singing a song by King Harry Styles.

"Wow Mike, didn't know you thought my voice was so sexy", the caramel eyed girl chuckles, amused by her best friend's accidental confession.

"I SAID THAT OUT LOUD?", Mikah screams, practically rupturing Cassie's ear drum.

Both girls are internally panicking. Mikah just accidentally called her crush sexy, and her crush enjoyed it.

Although it's quite obvious to literally every other human on the face of the earth that the two Nashville natives are in love, they haven't seemed to pick up on each other's not-so-subtle clues. They've been accidentally dropping hints for years, like freaking out over 'I love you' and getting all sweaty and gross when they subconsciously lace their fingers together, creating a perfect puzzle to put on display in a perfect world.

Just the two of them, driving down a dirt road, Harry Styles's voice slowly becoming softer and softer as Cassie and Mikah fall into a deep trance, staring into each others eyes.

They wouldn't want to be anywhere else

A.N: hey guys it's mickey! long time no see. i completely forgot about this fic but i really like it so i decided to write another chapter like 8 months later lmao. i hope y'all enjoy this as much as i do! anyways, stay safe bbs dms always open <3 mik

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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