Chapter 8

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Daisy saw a beautiful spirit manta coming towards her,
She wanted to eat it, but somehow she felt like she recognized it.

She also thought about the young girl in her vision, that seemed familiar too.


The krill didn't know how she knew that name, but she felt like it was hers.

Some how she felt comforted by the spirit manta.

She decided to let go, and suddenly she became the manta, she swooped over the murky water and it became clear, she flew over the sandy green dirt, and it erupted hundreds of flowers-all daises, lastly she flew through the krill who all became children of the light.

The children walked over to the field of daisies, they each plucked one and gave it to the manta.


The manta took the shape of a girl wearing a torn cape.
Daisy looked at her cape, thankful to see that it was still torn, because without it she wouldn't be Daisy.

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