Chapter 2

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I had to rewrite this because I forgot half of the plot. I'm stupid. 🙄 But I got there eventually.

Kara's Apartment

"These are really good. I don't think we have this in my universe." Barry said, eating donuts. "I thought I was the only one who could eat that much." Kara said. "Well, Due to my high metabolism levels, I have to eat at least 10,000 calories a day to stay alive, and my doctor said that 200,000 calories is recommended, so I eat a lot." Barry explained. "Well, you definitely met the right girl!" Kara exclaimed. There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Kara said. She looked at Barry. "So these are two of my friends, and I haven't told them about you yet, so be prepared." Kara said. "How do you know that? Telekinesis?" Barry asked. "X-Ray vision." Kara said, add she opened the door. "I got you some donuts." One of her friends said. The other one asked "Who's that?" "Oh, that's Barry. He's from another universe, and he's stranded here, so we're trying to find a way to get him back to his world." Kara said. "Wait, another universe as in, there's a multiverse?" The first friend asked. "So imagine there are a nearly infinite number of universes, that all take up the same space, but vibrate at different frequencies. So there would be one where the Nazis one WWII, one where JFK was never assassinated... " Barry said. "One where we're all evil!" One of her friends contributed. "Been there, it sucks." Barry said, remembering his time on Earth-2. "So what are your names?" Barry asked. "I'm Winn, and this is James." One of Kara's friends said.

"So where do you work?" Barry asked. "I work at CatCo Worldwide Media, as an assistant." Kara told him. "I can bring your there."

"So Keira, who's this? Your boyfriend?" Ms. Grant asked. "No not my boyfriend. He's just a friend who wanted to see where I work." Kara explained. "Alright. Have you seen anything about that steak that's running around the city? Some say it's a person. Maybe competition for Supergirl? Maybe a sidekick?" Ms. Grant said. "I think probably allies or something." Kara put in. "And I like the name the "Flash"" Barry said. "So now it's obvious that your boyfriend is the Blur. And the Flash sounds like the name of a superhero who's only superpower is to jump out of an alleyway in a trench coat" Ms. Grant decided. "Fine. But 1, he's not my boyfriend, and 2, it's the " Flash" not the "blur" alright?"

"There seen to be people with superpowers attacking people." Kara heard the news say. "I'll come with." Barry said. When they got there, they saw Silver Banshee and Livewire attacking a park. "Who makes up these stupid names?" Barry asked. "They kinda name themselves " Kara explained. "My friend Cisco would not be okay with that." Barry sighed. "Ah. Looks like you brought your sidekick." Livewire said. "I'm not her sidekick by the way we're more like allies." Barry said. "Whatever." Livewire said. "Come on let's do this like women." Barry sighed. Everyone glanced at him with the "you idiot" look. "What? There's more of you than there is of me." Barry pointed out. Livewire instantly shot lightning at Kara, while Silver banshee screamed at her. Kara fell over. "How about you get a taste of your own medicine." Barry said, throwing a lighting bolt. Livewire absorbed the bkast, and a shot more lightning at Kara. Barry knocked silver banshee out. Livewire started attacking civilians. With her remaining strength, Kara flew up to block the blast. She groaned in pain, as she fell over. "Barry." She said, before she stopped moving. "No, no." Barry muttered. He felt her heart. It had stopped. He was instantly consumed with rage. He grabbed Livewire , and threw her into a fountain. "I have to fix this." Barry said. " Well, it's not like you can just go back in time, and save her! " Barry heard through Kara's comms. "You're a genius! Whoever you are talking on the other side, you just saved Supergirl." Barry said. He ran faster than he ever had before. Glass shattered as he broke the sound barrier . Wind whistled around him. Electricity streaming. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Feel the air brush across your face. Feel the lightning, the lightning coursing through your veins like a shock, you never want to end. You are no longer you now, you are part of something greater, something larger. You are part of the speedforce now. Now run Barry, run. He ran to moments before Kara 's death, and grabbed Livewire, and threw her into the water. "I don't think I'm supposed to mess with time." Barry said. "Wait did you teleport!?" Kara asked. "You actually died, then I went back in time to save you." Barry said. "Let's go back to my apartment and think of how to get you back home." Kara decided.

"I figured something out!" Barry yelled. "What?" Winn asked. "The way I got here. If I run fast enough, with a boost from Kara, I might be able to break the dimensional barrier!" Barry exclaimed. "You could end up anywhere in the multiverse though." Kara told him. "I think I can do it." Barry said. He ran and got some more ice cream for everyone. "Let's try it." Barry said.

"Okay. We're here." Kara said through comms. "You two start running." Winn said. "You'll visit right?" Kara asked. "Once I'm confident in my navigation." Barry said. "I'm really gonna miss you." Kara said. "Me too." Barry told her. Kara went up closer to him and kissed him. It really only lasted about three seconds, but for them, it felt like an eternity. "What was that for? Not that I'm complaining." Barry asked. "Temporary Goodbye." Kara said. And they started running. Kara grabbed his shoulder,and threw him as fast as she could. She watched as he jumped through the portal. She looked at the barren dessert that they had ran at. She flew back to her apartment, and waited for the DEO to alert her on something.

Central City, Earth-1

Barry popped through the beach. He ran to star labs. He was a lot faster than before. Unfortunately, the tachyon device had blown up while running. When he got back to Star Labs, he asked "How long was that?" "Fast." Cisco answered, in utter amazement. "You managed to hit Mach 23.2." Caitlin told him. "So I actually popped into a different Earth." Barry told them. "What'd you see?" Cisco asked. "I'll tell you all about it." Barry smiled. He blushed a little at the thought.

So I got to Chapter 2. Yay I guess.

Metanglement | Book 1 of the Superflash TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now