10 chapter

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Tzuyu pov

Now here we are eating lunch at the cafeteria and everyone at the cafeteria was still whispering about me and my boyfriend jungkook....it seems like it their first time to see a couple."babe you are okay" . I snap out of my thoughts and look at jungkook who is looking at me. "Yeah.. why "I ask him while smiling."because it seems like you were thinking about something serious and you better not think about boys."He said as look into my eyes seriously...... I gulp. "No.. why would you think of that" I said. "Sorry to interrupt you lovely moment but we are still here.."we both look at sana unnie and Taehyung oppa ...aish this is so embarrassing......
Time skip.
Ah finally home sweet home .. I lied on my bed and took at my phone as I hear ting to see my sweet hot boyfriend send a message...
𝗷𝗸: hey babe .. are you already home?
𝘁𝘇𝘂:yeah I just got on my bed.
𝗷𝗸:okay by the way are you free tomorrow at 5pm?
𝗷𝗸:le't go on date tomorrow's
𝘁𝘇𝘂:really ?
𝗷𝗸:yeah ..so please be ready tomorrow
𝘁𝘇𝘂:okay ..I really can't wait for it
𝗷𝗸:K babe bye ..I love you
𝘁𝘇𝘂:love you too
I hang up the phone...wow I really can't believe I'm going on date with jungkook tomorrow, I'm so happy but something interrupts me it was sana unnie who is calling me and yeah she is not home yet because she is on date with her boyfriend so I pick up .. "hi unnie".i said as I was still thinking about tomorrow. "what' up is everything okay there baby". sana unnie ask and really she call me baby while I already got boyfriend who can call me that .."yeah everything is fine ..why."I ask back.."because you sound like something good happens.."she said.."oh yeah I almost forgot..can you believe unnie, jungkook said he gonna take me out on date and I'm so happy right now.. "I said as I sound very excited about it. "yah don't be too happy" she said and I stop what I was doing ."why "I ask curious."because if you became too happier and excited about it...something that you didn't except can happen".sana unnie said and I keep quiet but inside I'm still happy .."oh really? ".I ask. "yeah ..so you have to keep quiet". she said. "okay ...by the way how is your date with Taehyung oppa? ". I ask her as stand up and walk downstairs to drink water. "Well he is so romantic and sweet". she said. really that must be sweet". I said as I take the glass and put water in it and drink. "Yeah ..oh he is coming bye tzu see you at home". she said ."okay bye." I said and the called end....wow she is surely enjoying her date I thought as I made my way to my room to get some rest before she came...

I'm so sorry for broke my promise it just that my damn god phone head some problem so I head to fix it and that why I didn't update but know I'm gonna start update..

So tell me how is this chapter and sorry for my bad English if you can't understand...

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