Bookstore ||Rockstar Frexy||

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  I stare out the window as Freddy made a quick run to the coffee shop. I wasn't aloud to go inside due to it being cold and all. I always despised it, growing from a child to an adult. Never in a million years would you expect me to be outside in the cold.

  The car was much warmer than the building, it has been running for a half hour now. He wasn't even in the building for ten minutes and I'm already missing him. I never knew it took so long to get two cups of coffee.

  We were planning on seeing a movie, but it was shut down two days ago. I couldn't find the reason on the website, but apparently, not a good reason.

  Freddy offered to take me to the bookstore, a place where I can be one with my own kind! I adored the bookstore, it was mostly the time I spent with Freddy there. He wasn't much of a reader, but sat with me the whole time. We had three bookshelves in our room, not counting the nightstand on my side of the bed.

  I was a reader, yes. It took up most of my time, but it was entertaining for me. The times I got to read were after work, and before bed. About eight hours out of my day went to books. It might be unhealthy, but, what else am I supposed to do all day. Kiss my boyfriend?

  Hah, no. I got pulled out of a hateful place and stored into an unknown land of dreams. The snow, is what hateful-nevermind. I'm sure you get the point.

  The snow started falling, filling the window with the white powder. Some melted and ran down the glass, leaving trails behind. It disgusted me actually. That is where Freddy and I are completely different.

  He loves the snow, and inspires me to try to reason with it. It never works, but I stay with him when he leaves the house. He shows me it was a beauty of nature. Well, nature shouldn't make you cold and bundle up in blankets for four months. (Don't care enough to do the Counting)

  I was getting more impatient as the seconds ticked by. The music quietly playing from the radio. I shift in my seat, propping my legs up on the dash, and groaning loudly. I throw my head back, trying to get into a comfortable position.

  Sitting still was never a talented of mine. I'd always stand it walk around often. When I read, Freddy held me in place so I move. I got extremely anxious when reading. Such a shame really, I adored moving around.

  Another downfall of why I hated winter. I couldn't leave the house when I wanted and the days were shorter. It honestly ticked me off.

  I'd dress in one of Freddy's hoodies, then one of my own, it was thick enough to keep me warm believe it or not. No matter the weather, I'd wear ripped jeans at the knees, but the fabric was thin, and made me cold pretty quickly. My usual above ankle sneakers.

  The cuddling was the best part. Freddy would hug me at random times and lift my heat to no tomorrow. His heart brought the most heat. (No dipshit, his body heat was the warmest, dipshit)

  He enjoyed it as did I. It was relaxing surprisingly. We have done it countless of times of the three years we've been together. The senior year of high school to bow. Its been a rough ride. We've been through a lot.

  Just as I was about to slide off the backseat, don't ask how I got back there, the drivers door opens. Freddy held the two Coffees, sitting down on the leather seat.

  "Get up here if you want this," he demands, setting it in the cup holder. I hope he got my favorite. A dark chocolate frappe. I couldn't resist it no matter how many times I had to weigh it down.

  "Sorry," I mumbled, climbing over the seats. I squeeze my way through and plop down into the seat I was so uncomfortable with.

  "Its fine," he assured, adjusting the mirror. He smiles at me, looking at me with happiness in his bright blue eyes.

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