Petal ||Lefty x Molten Freddy||

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(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  The cherry blossoms fly around with the window, landing on the grassy green ground when multiple others sat. The pink petals glistened, reflecting back their pink stains. It was calming to say the least.

  Laying back against a tree, was me and Lefty, celebrating out two years anniversary of the day he asked me to be his lover. The day I was officially happy. My optimism was too much at times, however, it only increased from that day on.

  He told my repeatedly what he loved about me, and made it sound romantic with his voice. His voice was such beauty, you couldn't tell if it was professional.

  I leaned against his rock hair chest, relaxing soon after. Arms subconsciously wrap around my waist, pressing into my skin. The warmth spread through my body like water running on sand. The feeling was fantastic, but one thing was missing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

  It felt different. Unique. I know, I haven't gotten a kiss this morning. It was around seven, when dawn was approaching. It made the blossoms glow. I might as well tell him what I think.

  "You know, I enjoy this time with you," I mumble, caressing his hands with my own. They automatically tighten against me, letting out a low chuckle.

  "Me too, cutie," he agrees, kissing my head. "If only it could last forever."

  "Mhm." I sigh, staring at the beautiful seen before me.

  "I love you," he whispers. The three words that drived me crazy, spoke perfectly from this man, was the best thing in the world. I'm not worried about anything else.

  With the way he says it, so romantically, it makes me teary eyed. I'm overloved by someone who I loved dearly. What was my reaction.

  "Molten... Look at me," he demands softly, loosening his grip as I drop my guard. I couldn't stop the tears, nor figure out the problem. It was a mystery.

  I focus on the positive as I bite my lip. That doesn't work, Left grabbed me by my waist, and flipped us around. My back was against the ground and he was towering over me.

  "Stop biting your lip, you don't want it to bleed," he assured, running his thumb over my lip, releasing it from my teeth. "I want you to focus on me. Only me. What do you see?"


  "What do you see when you look at me? Answer honestly."

  I gaze into his eyes and rub my hands down his back. "I-I... I see a man I love so much I want to spend the rest of my life with." I snap back to reality, realizing what I said. I blush deeply, trying to look away, but Lefty's hand holds my chin.

  "That's funny. Because I feel the same. Now, what do you hear?" He smiles.

  "I-I... I hear the voice I want to wake up to every morning." It happened again. My face could only get darker.

  "Me too, Cutie. Last but not least, what can you touch?" His eyes shine with glee as I start stuttering again, this time much worse.

  "I-I-I... I-I ca-can touch.... You."

  "I can touch you too," he stands up, offering me a hand. I gladly took it, but the confusion plastered on my face was unbelievable.

  Since when did I agree with that. I never saw him do that mojo before, it was fantastic, don't get me wrong, but why Me?

  Lefty grabs my hand, twirling, and dipping me. His strength holding me upright when I didn't even know my back could bend this far. His hand on my lower back.

  "Explain to me why my cutie was crying, please," he suggested, fixing our position. His big hands wrap around my tiny waist, holding me still.

  "O-oh. U-um..." I stutter. I couldn't find myself saying the words. As many times as I said the three words beforehand, this moment felt more romantic than the others. A different vibe.

  "Its alright. Take your time." So understanding. There was one way on how I could calm down. The one thing I have never done before. Kiss Lefty. As ridiculous as it sounds, I haven't created the kiss, but he has.

  "Kiss me," I demand softly, gazing away from him. Embarrassment overtook me, sending me into a faraway long. Before I could process anything, a set of warm lips got set on time.

  The kiss was full of passion, and love. Our lips moved against each other slowly, as to not heat things. Moments later, he released me, and sighed. The refreshment I felt pushed me over the edge.

  My eyes held the liquid once more, but refused to fall this time without a reason. Last time was for love. This one couldn't find anything.

  "Molten, are you alright, honey?" I was pulled closer towards him, laying my head on his chest. The fabric getting in my way. "You need to answer me." His voice getting strained.

  I couldn't answer, I wanted the warmth from him. He sounded as if he was ready to cry. I don't want that. I might as well confess.

  "I love you," I mumble, pressing my forehead farther into his shirt. My heart beating out of my chest and my stomach filling with butterflies waiting for a response.

  "That's all you needed to say."

  Lefty pulls my chin up, and I get on my tippy toes, balancing. A soft smile displayed with his eyes. We share one last kiss as my eyes flutter closed.

  "That was all you needed to say," he murmurs against my lips. "Hold on, I need to get something. Close your eyes."


  "Just do it."

  "Alright." I close my eyes as he let's go of my hips.

  Lefty's steps lower in sound as he walks away. If he abandoned me, I don't know what I would do. Probably sob until my hearts consent. I couldn't leave him even if I tried.

  I stand in silence for a few seconds until his hand brushes back my hair from my ear.

  "Your hair is so soft." He runs his hand through it again. Something gets placed under my hair, leaving it there. "Open them."

  I do as said, and squint at my boyfriend. Adorness taking over his face as he gasps in awe. A gentleman on his face.

  "You look stunning," he gasps, running the back of his hand down my cheek. His face having a tint of red while mine was a blushing mess.

  "W-what did you do?" I gaze at him, biting my lip. He was too attractive sometimes, as of now, he was way too attractive.

  "I gave you a petal. A sign of good luck. It will rot soon, so keep care of it," he kisses my forehead, leaving the print. "And stop biting your lip, please." He disconnected my teeth from my broom lip, running his thumb across it. I want more of his touch. It seems the more he touches me, the more I fall in love. I didn't think it was possible.

  "S-so, n-now what?" I play with the hem of my shirt, leaning my forehead into his chest. I could hear his heart racing as fast as mine.

  "We make things official," he smiles. He grabs my chin lifting it to his face. "Happy Anniversary, Cutie."

  We kiss, lasting a moment. Lips slaying against each other, and breaths being mixed together. Hands traveling, and body pulling. Full of hunger.

  "Happy Anniversary, Baby. I love you~"

  Right, wright. Here's the chapter. Its a day late. I'm working on an MHA Villain story, check that out if you want.

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