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Don't judge my grammar

Signing, he told me once again, "you really don't remember me...", "What do you mean by that?" I twitched my brow.

Feeling a brush on my cheek, Mika's index thumb was on my cheek, caressing my cheek. I felt a weird tingle feeling in my chest.

Left hand on thigh, while 2 fingers inside the ravens mouth. The vampire bite down on the side of the smaller figures neck. " S-stop please...." ,Yuu Muffled as tears ran down his cheek whimpering.

Present ( Mika's POV)
I won't repeat the same mistake I did. Suddenly noticing I was touching his soft cheek, I moved my hand away.

"Have dinner next week? How does that sound? ", giving my angel a soft smile. "Sounds good", giving a smile.

Sorry I'm planning to write more next chapter.

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