Host Club 3

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I stood in front of a restaurant, staring with  hungry green eyes. I walked in, and sat down by the table. " I would like to order a wagyu", I said while Smiling at the waitress. This was a little celebration for the first day success. Even if it is a dirty job, atleast this is worth more than my bills. It felt less stressing, for once I can relax.

Once the food arrived, my eyes were already balling out before the food was even set on the table. I picked the fork up putting a piece of meat in my mouth. The favor slowly melted in my mouth, slowly I ate all the wagyu.

I grabbed my stack of cash, putting a $100 dollar note in the pocket. I stood up, walking towards the door. "OMG, I am really sorry", a wet patch of stain was on my shirt. I was a bit annoyed but I still kept my cool, "it's alright" I said in a calm voice

No one's POV (I don't want to do people's POV anymore )
Yuu walked into the bathroom. What he saw was horrifying.

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