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(Phillip's POV)

"Cheerio! My name is Pip I would like to see if you wouldn't mind not smashing our little town to bits" I said stopping in front of Mecha-Streisand.

I slowly see the robot walking towards me I tried to run away but before I could- 𝙎𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙏, that's all I remember before waking up to a bright light.

"Huh? Where am I? I say while getting up and following the bright light, I start walking and what felt like hours had finally come to a stop.

'Gates? Oh, deary me am I going to heaven? I can finally see my parents again!' I slowly reach out to open the gates but something underneath me started disappearing.

The clouds were disappearing what was happening, I started running to the gates but before I could the clouds were already gone and I was falling down.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream out loud, "Somebody help me, please!" I cried out, please anyone? I don't want to be alone anymore.

I landed which made a loud thud underneath me, I looked around seeing fire everywhere people screaming bloody murder, and people getting beaten up, Is this h-hell?.

"Hey blonde get up no sitting around" some man dressed in a red and black crop top, red skinny jeans, and some beaten-up old shoes spoke.

"Get up, and welcome to hell the best place to be at" The sarcastic tone in his voice could be heard.

"Excuse wait- hell?! What do you mean hell I didn't do anything sinful I've been pure I swear! This has to be a mistake or somthi-" he cuts me off before I could finish, "Let me check on my list what's your name blonde? he looks at me while eyeing me.

"P-Phillip 'Pip' Pirrup" I respond nervously looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Town or place that you use to live in name?" he checks his list while talking, "Um oh yes! it was South Park, Colorado I believe" I fidget with my hands waiting for him to respond.

He keeps checking the list then looks at me then looks at the list with wide eyes like someone had just died in front of him I mean I supposed that has happened many times before this is hel- no stop Phillp get on track.

"I-It said you had befriended Satan's s-son how is that possible Dami- I mean the lord doesn't like anyone and wouldn't befriend a human none the less" he responded coldly.

"Satan's son? Who might that be" I looked at him confused not knowing I had befriended Satan's son I mean that does sound kinda familiar.

"How could you not know him he's a big deal around her- oh wait you're new, fuck I forgot." the angry tone in his voice stopped into a more monotone voice.

"Might I ask what was his name if you don't mind?" I say in my cheery voice, "Ah his name is lord Damien, Satan's son Prince Of Darkness." he looked down at me since I was shorter.

"W-wait did you say D-Damien?!" The name sounded all too familiar memories started rushing back to me fast and quickly.


I sat quietly at my desk while Cartman was making fun of me for being poor and not getting an invitation to his birthday party, "Okay students we have a new student joining us" My teacher Mr. Garrison said while a boy dressed in all black walked in.

"Wait what was your name again?" Mr. Garrison asked the boy, "Damien" he responded.

Weird music started playing when he had said that then it stopped, "Say hi to Damien" Mr. Garrison said while looking at us.

"And where are you from Damien?" Mr. Garrison looked at him, "The seventh layer of Hell" the blacked hair boy said.

"Oh what exciting my mother was from Alabama." Mr. Garrison said to himself.


"Ay kid you alright? You're spacing out or something" he said snapping his fingers in my face.

"Ah! Yes, I am in fact kind sir, what is your name anyway?" I asked him questioningly, "Oh I forgot people know me as Douchebag but people who are close to me know my name is Charlie, also please don't call me a sir I'm nonbinary." Charlie said looking at me.

"Oh, my apologies I'm so sorry for getting your gender wrong, Charlie," I said quickly from embarrassment.

"Nah it's alright I've gotten used to people calling me a boy or a girl, so need to worry Pip."

"May I see Damien, please? It has been so long since I've seen the old chap." I asked while jumping up and down from joy to see my old friend.

"I don't know my lord is a very busy man." they said while rubbing their neck, "Please?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine your lucky I still have a good heart, unlike these souls." I quickly give Charlie a hug, "Please don't touch me." Charlie asked awkwardly.

"Oh right! I'm deeply sorry." I put my head down from the embarrassment.

"Dude you need to stop saying sorry for things, It's dumb now cheer up British boy because we're going to see the lord, Damien". Charlie said while putting their hand on my shoulder.

"Oh what jolly good fun we shall have, thank you!" I really couldn't contain my joy.

"Let's go, the lord's castle if over here," they said while pointing forward.




Here I come Damien I hope you missed me like I've missed you...

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