~𝓩𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓵𝓮~

664 18 12

(Pip's POV)

Me and Charlie have been walking for a while, it feels like years in this place all I see is people dying, again and again, it haunts my brain I wish it could stop...

"Hey, Pip you alright?" Charlie says looking at me and stopping, "O-oh UM y-yes I am" I stuttered nervously.

"Dude I can tell you're not, you're shaking a lot" They look at me concerned. Wait am I shaking? I look down at my hands and body.. oh no...

"I-it's n-nothing to worry about LET'S JUST GO SHALL WE HAHAHAHA" I laugh nervously and began walking.

Charlie grabs my arm which makes me stop walking I look up at them, "Pip... I know how you feel that's how I felt when I first got here, let's try to focus on something else...' They start thinking about what to say.

"Hm, Oh yeah right there," They said pointing over to something, "Let's take a break and see Ze Mole," Charlie said then started walking with my arm in their hand which caused me to follow them.

"Ze Mole? What kind of name is that? W-which of course is a lovely name I mean is that really their real name? I stuttered once again... Note to self stop doing that Phillip.

"Heh, Ze Mole is the name he likes getting called by, his real name is Christophe but he only lets people call him Ze Mole since he digs a lot of holes in the ground and is always covered in dirt," Charlie explains to me.

"Oh what a strange fellow he seems like a nice person" I smiled, "Trust me, deary he is not he's so angry all the time and mean, he bit me once." Charlie looks at their hand that seems to have a bite mark.

I start laughing Charlie starts yelling at me to stop laughing since it's "NOT FUNNY" once I had stopped laughing I started talking.

"Right right, sorry that was so rude of me mate please forgive me, my deepest apologizes" I looked at the ground.

"It's really okay Pip don't get so bummed out" Charlie pats my shoulder to reassure me. "Come on now just a few more steps then we can see him" Charlie starts to walk once again with me following behind them.

We've been walking for a couple of minutes cracking some jokes left to right suddenly Charlie stopped which caused me to stop to look at where we stopped at.

"This is it the place that he works at the famous Graveyard" They smiled and walked inside the building.

I followed close behind so I don't get lost, I start looking around the place it's full of coffins and smells like death in here.

"What is this place, Charlie? I asked them. "Ah, right this is the place where the dammed souls that died get buried here, mostly the lower class are the ones buried here since they get hurt very easily causing them to die faster than us, Damien might be mean and evil but he's no monster so he created this place.

"That's very sweet of the Ol' Chap to do that for them" I smiled. "Yup, Ze Mole must be in the back digging holes and placing the coffins in," They say walking to the door that was for the graveyard with me.

"Ay Christophe you here?" They yelled once we arrived in the graveyard as someone came walking up towards us with a shovel in hand.

"Can't ze be anyz louder?!" He yells at Charlie while putting out his cigarette, then looks at me. "Who ze fuck iz zhis?" He spoke in a heavy accent that I could barely understand, I think it's French.

"Oh well, sir! I'm Phillip 'Pip' Pirrup, but everyone calls me Pip because they hate me" I tell him holding out my hand for him to shake it.

"Then I guezz I'll callz youz Pip," He tells me ignoring my hand. "Righto!" I smile at him, then put my hand down.

"Now what ze fuck youz wantz?" He yells at Charlie once again. "Can't I say hello to an old friend?" Charlie looks at him and smirks.

"No youz cant'z, alsoz we're not friendz" He crosses his arms with a stern face. "Aw 'tophe you're so mean" Charlie fake pouts.

"Whateverz" Christophe turns around and goes back to what he was doing grabbing another cigarette and putting it into his mouth. "Also do you have any snacks here? We're hungry from walking to see Damien" Charlie asks Christophe.

"They're in ze backz roomz" Christophe tells us and doesn't stop digging his hole. "Alright thanks, Christophe" Charlie thanks him and starts walking back into the building to get to the back room with me.

"DON"TZ CALLZ MEZ CHRISTOPHE!!!" Christophe yells at us throwing his fist in the air angrily with his cigarette in his hands, Charlie just laughs at his childish antics.

We arrived at the door to the backroom and enter inside, we collect some snacks like chips, sodas, and candy too! We walk back to the graveyard and we're faced with a dirty Christophe with dirt all over him.

"Ew, gross you really need a shower" Charlie sticks their tongue out at Christophe. "Fuck off!" Christophe yells once again.

"Anyway, here are some snacks you need a break too you work every day" Charlie holds out a packet of chips and one Pepsi waiting for Christophe to grab.

"Thankz or whateverz" He snatches the snacks out of Charlie's hand and immediately starts eating the food fast.

"Dude careful you're going to cho-" Charlie got cut off by Christophe violently coughing.

"Told ya so" Charlie just shakes their head while Christophe starts hitting his chest to stop choking.

"Bleh, Don'tz tellz mez whats to do'z" Christophe spits up the chips on the ground.

"Gross, Are you alright lad?" I ask him with concern in my voice.

"Yeah Yeah, I am'z you British fuck" He looks over at me. "That's very rude of you to say, Christophe, you don't hear me calling you a frenchie motherfucker" I tell him crossing my arms.

"Oh shit..." Charlie say covering their mouths and laughing. "Ze fuck'z you callz mez?!" He yells at me charging forward to me.

"Calm down Christophe he's just joking," Charlie tells him holding him from behind to make him stop.

"I hatez youz guyz" Christophe stops and eats the remaining of his chips that were left.

"Love you too" Charlie winks at him. "UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Christophe groans loud.

We start talking for a couple of minutes when Charlie finally decided it was time for us to get going.

"Welp looks like it's time to go now, bye Christophe!" Charlie yells over to Christophe. "Whateverz I have'z somone'z coming over'z anyway'z!" Christophe yells back, lighting another cigarette.

"Tell your boyfriend I said hi," Charlie tells him then starts walking to the door with me following behind him and opening it.

"GREGORY IZ NOT"Z MEZ BOYFRIEND!!!" Christophe said angrily. " I never said who though" Charlie laughs and continues walking to the door and opens it. "AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Christophe yelled.

Once we were out of the building we had started walking again and made some small talk while walking to Damien's castle.

After a couple of hours, we had finally arrived at our destination. "Well this is it Damien's castle," Charlie tells me.

"Oh wait.... his car isn't here which means he's not here GOD DAMMIT!!" Charlie yells. "Charlie dear calm down it's alright we can wait some more for him, I don't mind at all I tell them to hopefully calm them down.

"You're right sorry, I guess we could wait how about we get to know each other better ay? Charlie asks me.

"I'll love that!" I tell them excitingly, we started talking and getting to know each other more while waiting for Damien until we heard a car's engine stop and someone getting out.

"Oh speak of the devil," Charlie tells me and looks over where the noise is from while I copy them.

We see a figure walking towards us to get to the castle then they stop and looked at Charlie then at me confused as to what we are doing here until I decided to speak up.


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